Haha well hi again all .
Yeah ive been playing in Windia for over 2 years started on valentines day and i just hit me about how bad at lvling i actually am haha , But on a positive note i finally got my sin to hermit-hood (Sorry blaze i beat you :o).
I have to say out of all of the lvls and % on my sin lvl 69, 85% had to be the hardest it felt like it dragged on for hours :[.
Besides hitting hermit ive vastly come into rather alot of cash which i spent on some rather sweet equipts for my hermy all i need now is to trade my 9 att wg for a 11 att scg and im set, Apart from bragging alot (haha) i havent been up to much!
In a guild called “Navi” joined when i was 5x i have to say they are truely an amazing guild always active and there is almost always one person on who i can chat and have a laugh with, I also came into contact with afew of my Old old school friends ;P which was also a great time for me!
Yeah well, i havent been amazing at writing blogs…. EVER but here are 2 of the tons of screenies i took haha and i hope you enjoyed my blog <3
Lots of smiles from your very very old dragon…
Remember make dreams reality ;D
All posts by dragonfang
An Epic Return!
Well well well, its been some time now MMO hasent it?
So in my epic adventures of playing wow…. I QUIT (What a surprise).
So forgetting that it was time for some more of that maple goodness!!!
Obviously my first time back exploring everything was i could say interesting, Leafre wasent all that i thought it would be and seeing the FM swarmed with skill books wasent cool either .
None the less i made some new friends (I think all my old friend’s quit </3), So a nice part of this blog to remember them by, Fyrerii, Ghettoalbino, Kaitoulunar, Xiaolinmagic, Miragehyren and ofc xBlazethiefx :].
Anyway back to maple!!
Instantly into the cash shop if you know me got myself some smexy new gear as my first ss will show ;0
Then i went off an stalked Katheh Ppq sounds awsume (Only want the hat tbh) screenie 2.
Then me and Katheh went to Herb town because we were totally bored and we met a guy, He seemed ok but after we had talked for like 10 mins he started begging for 2m for his lvl 22 shield….. <—-Screenie 3.
Forceably after Katheh had to go and all my other friends had suddenly gone, I went to the fm to make even more
Hence finding a near enough twin!!! <—- Screenie 4,
And OFC the moment you’ve all been waiting for…. ME HAVING MY FIRST LVL BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! haha… <— Screenie 5.
So yeah…. it feels good to be back =], I must say have missed maple and still missing al my old friend’s!!!
Thats all i can really tell you about for now
-That good old dragon ;P.
World of warcraftness…
Well… I havent blogged for along time haha… and… well I geuss im pretty much starting to go back and play wow, maple just doesent seem like a game i can just sit down and get into anymore… SADLY! So i was pretty much wondering how many of you actully play World Of Warcraft (European) and if any… (My geusses is VERY few =P) What realm or side do you play on.
Anyway i geuss i should talk abit about my time on WoW since i see yor all dying to know about it haha… errm… yeah… So i play on Frostwhisper FOR THE HORDE! and after finally battling my warlock to lvl 70 acouple of weeks ago ive been trying out the other classes… Such as rogues, warriors and priests.
Since its a PvP realm i totally understand being ganked over and over again by a lvl 70 who thinks they are “Teh god1ezZ!!11!!!11” but then if i was to come along with my warlock they run with their tail between their legs…. But still i totally understand how people like to show off and i cant say i am not one of them, If you know me i do love a good old show offishness haha.
Another thing that has been bugging me is the recent “Dirge” spam that those cursed alliance have baught to the horde side haha, Most people had a huge protest in Oggrimmar (Sp?) over the link being OVER used, but yet again it failed to make any differance in the situation.
Now this isent all about moaning of all the stupid things that happen in this certain game there are also some good things to look forward to!!
One out of quite alot of things i enjoy is how most guilds have got those special “Angels” if you will in them that would help you in any time of need and dont moan, Betray or push you out of the guilds social lst. Most guilds i have been in over time have been very chatty which is greatly loved to me as i do love abit of descussion on whats going wrong with the realm and prices.
With the high of guild comes the downfall of MOST partys, Sure i understand if a player is new to that type of specc or character but atleast train abit before you actually try =P (Not meaning to be mean) Most players are actully kind and friendly i they dont seem it at first give them a chance but then you get some that are just plain bad, But then again i geuss you get that with EVERY game what can ya do?
Sorry for making this a LONG blog just thought i’d get this out in the open haha, So once again i play on Frostwhisper, Horde side you may i you wish leave your name realm and side but heck thats just me being noesy ,
And on side note sorry for most of the mistakes of my spelling/grammer(Or grammar) im not the best of writers… but it mostly cant be helped :]
Betrayal is such a harsh word makes you feel like you commited a crime but its not as bad as you think… The pain this word causing is so so so so bad and i have one about betrayal today… Well i was gpqing on my sin happy in my guild “attraction” we were 8th in the rankings then they started to do a jump hack cuz we dident have a mage….. Then we kept getting sent away cuz they were hacking.
On a side note they normally are nice and not so like this.
Anyway then after the pq we got into a argument they started saying hotsauce etc are hacking gpq because they have ex hackers, So i replyed that how are we legit if we have hackers?
They kept sayign we hacked once or twice they hack EVERY gpq but i can remmber us hacking ALOT of times eg. Gmode im not a hacker at all because im the nooby lvl 26 sin in the pq -.-.
So the we argued and argued for ages and i said that i was done with this guild if they werent good enough to admit they hacked!
So i got called a female dog and oposite of pimp and thought to myself FINE. all i did was send a nice little mega saying that the guild hacked and bam i started getting “i dont care who u think you are you lick *females privates*
etc etc and that was from JesusMeX.
So thats my story just to let you know the guilds Attraction hacking with: gmode, jump, fly, demi and bot.
post if anything like this happened to you.
~Make dreams reality~
P.s i got hacked so my mage is poor rotfl
The End
Today was my worst maple day eva ive made so many people hurt and ive made so many people quit and cry but now is my time to quit and cry yes im a emo and yes im going to cut my wrists if this does happen to be my last blog i just want you all to know that i love you and youve all ben the best, and im sorry for all those hearts ive punctured….. goodbye…..
Frozen Tears Of Pain…. Part 2 =P
I Advise u read part 1 first anyway here we go!
I enter’d the cave my heart pounding like 100 stampeading bull’s running down a freeway, the cave soon led me to a small room engravings where carve’d along the walls as if it was a story itself from what I could understand it was talking about: In a long time ago when the crop’s where green and the snow’d over mountions where sparkling a young travel made his way up to the sharp cliffs, I stop’d reading for a second…. Was this fate i had been hurl’d into? no it cant be just my mind playign tricks on me! The engraving had suddenly stopped….. i jump’d from the wall and gasp’d in amazment, what is happening why am i truly here? i carry’d on desending into the depths of the cave hearing scream’s coming from below i sped across to a crack in the wall like a dart heading to a dart board,I looked out of the crack as i could see some villager like creatures draging familys down the cave. Was this some kind of ritual? or maybe….. it was feeding a beast who would later be set free to roam and distroy the country.
I follow’d the creatures like a tiger waiting to pounce on its pray deeper this cave seem’d to go on forever i treded across the floor but as i touch’d the wall it crack’d and before i could hide a giant group of man eater yetis surrounded me.
Will this be the end for our hero? well ur just gonna have to wait and find out in the next episode ;P
Scammer’s, Hacker’s And Pie’s =P
Here is a lil drill about scammer’s and hacker’s lol enjoy =P:
(on ship to orbis)
Scammer: *drops lama staff* lets see what u got bud
Person:hmmmmm *drops pink jester* HA!
Scammer *drops lama staff and maple staff* i am too good *leaves them floating*
(ship comes into station)
Person: ROTFL!!!!!!!!
Scammer: T-T
Yay hacker comic thingy now =o
Hacker:want hackz?
Person:what u fink i am a computer?
Hacker:Look i can fly
Person:*reports* hehe
Hacker:ur too newbie to do this
(GM enters)
Person: fly out of that one newb
(Hacker has been band for hacking)
And lastly we cant forget teh pie yes teh pie all my credits go to a great friend Chris and the loyal might PIE!!!!
haha anywayz enjoy whats left of comic thingys =P
Frozen Tears Of Pain…. Part 1
I gazed out of the window to a field of pure white snow as my dad spoke to me,
“Jay….. i must tell you something and this is important….”
“what is it dad?”
“you know how ur sister went out into the snow one day and never returned?”
“ya sure…. that was the day u said she went to stay at her friends”
“well we just had a report a number of children where beign snatched by yetis.. and i think ur sister is in deep trouble”
*Fist clentching as the frustration flow’d through my vains*
“I will find her”
Grabing all my gear i headed to the copper plate’d door and hastely open’d it.
“Goodbye dad if i dont return just remmember that ur the best any son could ask for”
stumbling into the cold frosted snow i tredded onwards knowing if i dident succssed my sister would be lost forever.
While climbing the frosted over stone steps i tripped over a object covered in snow like the iceing on a ring donut,
“Huh! w-whats this”
i stopped for a minute and with my cold shudderign fingers felt the object, suddenly a burst of flame’s surrounded me as i gasp’d for air, wielding this magical staff i made my way higher and higher, steeper and steeper up the cliffs face a sudden jolt of fear stun down my spine like electrisity flowing through a wire,a loud RAWR!! came from a mountions cave, i enter’d the domain of the beast bone’s laying everywhere and blood spew’d accross the floor
with my frostbite’d lips i still manage’d to make a joke
“Looks like he likes his take aways”
I enter’d the cave deeper what would lie for me in the inner most deepest cave?
Well ull just have to wait till i make the next part xD hope u enjoy my story’s
Come Here Lil Piggie!!!
hey i am dragonfang (again) xD and this blog is about me and my friends chillin in the pig beach xD well here goes nufin
I started off a beautiful day in winda talking to my guild my friend said why dotn we go to pig beach, (O gosh i love those lil piggies i couldent resist ^____^)we started killing piggies foolign around (dont we all ;P) then we started singign i am to sexy and strip’d haha it was funny xD next think i know my friend is shouting “SP4NK ME” lol (i dident give him teh idea o_O),we were hiting him with whips, umbrella’s u name it we hit him with it xD then my other guild friend kissed my friend (Hey i dident get a kiss >) very evil peoples >.> anyway so here i am still in teh piggie beach with my buddys having fun in teh sun!
Love all my friends + Cicormatic and Fyrerii <3 u guys ;P
Wraths vs Jr yetis!!
Have u ever thought about it i mean wraths give u 120 exp each wrath and jr yetis give u 135 exp only a 15 exp differance right? Wrong it has occured to me that 15 exp might now change alot but think about it:
Wraths:no map damage, fast spawning,dont hit alot,good drops frequantly
JrYetis:map damage yes,quite a slow spawn for someone on their own,hit quite alot,not to meny good drops fast.
So now its up to u please tell me ur thought , fights, experimants on which of these is better for a f/p wiz i know u will all start shoutign at me JR YETI JR YETI JR YETI! but please just think about it before u comment!!!