World of warcraftness…

Well… I havent blogged for along time haha… and… well I geuss im pretty much starting to go back and play wow, maple just doesent seem like a game i can just sit down and get into anymore… SADLY! So i was pretty much wondering how many of you actully play World Of Warcraft (European) and if any… (My geusses is VERY few =P) What realm or side do you play on.
Anyway i geuss i should talk abit about my time on WoW since i see yor all dying to know about it haha… errm… yeah… So i play on Frostwhisper FOR THE HORDE! and after finally battling my warlock to lvl 70 acouple of weeks ago ive been trying out the other classes… Such as rogues, warriors and priests.
Since its a PvP realm i totally understand being ganked over and over again by a lvl 70 who thinks they are “Teh god1ezZ!!11!!!11” but then if i was to come along with my warlock they run with their tail between their legs…. But still i totally understand how people like to show off and i cant say i am not one of them, If you know me i do love a good old show offishness haha.
Another thing that has been bugging me is the recent “Dirge” spam that those cursed alliance have baught to the horde side haha, Most people had a huge protest in Oggrimmar (Sp?) over the link being OVER used, but yet again it failed to make any differance in the situation.
Now this isent all about moaning of all the stupid things that happen in this certain game there are also some good things to look forward to!!
One out of quite alot of things i enjoy is how most guilds have got those special “Angels” if you will in them that would help you in any time of need and dont moan, Betray or push you out of the guilds social lst. Most guilds i have been in over time have been very chatty which is greatly loved to me as i do love abit of descussion on whats going wrong with the realm and prices.
With the high of guild comes the downfall of MOST partys, Sure i understand if a player is new to that type of specc or character but atleast train abit before you actually try =P (Not meaning to be mean) Most players are actully kind and friendly i they dont seem it at first give them a chance but then you get some that are just plain bad, But then again i geuss you get that with EVERY game what can ya do?
Sorry for making this a LONG blog just thought i’d get this out in the open haha, So once again i play on Frostwhisper, Horde side you may i you wish leave your name realm and side but heck thats just me being noesy ,
And on side note sorry for most of the mistakes of my spelling/grammer(Or grammar) im not the best of writers… but it mostly cant be helped :]

4 thoughts on “World of warcraftness…”

  1. Lol I tried to raid Orgrammar on a pserver today with my NE druid, got wtfpwned by High Overlord Saurfang.

  2. me neither, it seems like the game to lag up my computer. The WoW art just isn’t my style either. I like anime or cartoonish like:
    Maple Story, Trickster, but I know WoW is amazingly addicting, don’t mean to rant on it. Have fun with it ~

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