All posts by ArcImpulse1

Zombie Ramblins of GPQ, MC, and…

Zombie Ramblins of GPQ, MC, and Other Stuff

Alright, so. It’s 3 A.M. on a Thursday morning. I have to finish writing a Spanish composition, I have class in 6 hours, and I’m jacked up on caffeine. What better way to pass the time/procrastinate than to multitask writing said composition and an MMO entry? Masochists and those easily distracted, unite! read more

Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a…

Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a… Smexy I/L Mage?

Hey, it’s time for one of my rare, but long, blogs! I’m also following my tradition by writing it at 4 in the morning. Hey, it’s Saturday. I be allowed. I will, however, break tradition by not writing a controversial blog like several of my previous ones have been. Too bad, so sad. *tear*

So, recently, I got off my archer hiatus and started leveling Ris again. She’s still gaining levels at an absolutely abysmal pace, but at least it’s faster than during the summer. Funny, how I tend to play more during school. Oh right, I’m in Iowa, where there’s nothing to do. Anyway, a few days ago, I hit 89. Because I had been 88 for so long and wanted to do something completely adventurous, I decided to go hunting some big things. Marks included Gatekeepers, Phantom Watches, and Thanatos. Oh god, Thanatos hurts. Let’s just say, that, well, it’s not the left side that does the status effects. However, upon death, I apparently become the incarnate of MC Hammer. read more

People are easily aggravated

Alright, so, maybe it’s just me, but has everyone seemed extremely quick to anger today? Perhaps it was that I was exceptionally annoying/aggravating today, though I don’t think I was (though, the aggravator doesn’t always know). Alas, I managed to ruin at least three people’s days today, and I didn’t even try. Best start at the beginning. read more

Well looky here

So, it’s been a while. Hey to all the old people who may have a faint flickering of a memory of me. Hi to the new people. I’m not going to make an effort to get to know you, because quite frankly, I don’t visit often. Don’t judge me. D:

Lots of stuff has happened in the past few months, both Maple and Life related. Where do I start? read more


So, KFT’s out (yes, this is another FKT blog; it’s also short – sorry). I went and joined Ajema there last night after all the little kiddies had gone to bed. It’s a really pretty set of maps. I love the moon in the background. Plus, the quests gave a lot of free experience for doing basically nothing. I love almost free experience – it’s very tasty and nutritious. read more


The tag field isn’t big enough. D:

So, here’s another random hodgepodge of topics. No, it’s not related to the first random hodgepodge of topics. Why? Because it’s a random hodgepodge of topics. *cough* Anywho, let me warn you guys first. There will be ranting in this. I’m in a very attackish mood right now. I just went surfing through the Basil Market forums, and, well… *nervous laugh* Let’s just say I need to stop looking at that forsaken place because of the shear amounts of idiocy breeding throughout the place. Either that, or make it so I can’t post.*watches as she ends up with a posting restriction* read more


Alright, so. As some of you know, I’m stuck in the level 70 grind-zone where nothing gives good experience. I reached 3rd job back at the beginning of December. It’s now April, more than four months later, and I have yet to reach 80. Granted, I’ve only got three levels to go, but it’s taken me four months to gain seven levels. That’s approximately one and three fourths of a level a month. At that rate, it will take me until midway through May, and probably closer to June, to get to 80. That’s saddening. *curses the lack of decent archer training spots* read more

Quest for a Name – Chapter 3

Alright, so. I kinda got a hankerin’ for writing again, and I reread the earlier chapters of this story, and I actually thought I didn’t do too badly. So, for those of you who remember, here’s the next chapter.

If you need a refresher, here’s the other parts so far:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Reference Guide

Pardon the errors in those. I don’t want to go through and fix them. Also, pardon the end of this one. It’s crappy. Anyway, without further adeu, here’s chapter 3. As usual, constructive criticism and comments welcome, and no refunds on wasted time. read more

Some Basil Tips

Alright, so, it really has nothing to do with Maple. Meh. It’s the closest thing I can get right now (which shall be explained in a later blog, perhaps). There’s probably at least 4 or 5 other posts almost identical to this one, but I really don’t care. Onward!

Tips for a Successful Trade

I’m sure most everyone who has used Basil Market has been disappointed with a trade. While bad trades can’t be prevented entirely, traders can help ensure trades go smoothly by doing just a few simple things. read more

Oh em gee (bwah?)

So, some of you may have noticed (someone? anyone?) that I haven’t made a peep (not the marshmallow kind – those are gross) since early December. Well, not counting the Basil blog I posted earlier today (oh man, two in one day; it’s a record!). Anyway, here’s the mandatory “I’m not dead” blog, along with a summary of what I’ve been doing these past few months. Forgive the title, too. I haven’t slept normally in three days. read more