Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a
Smexy I/L Mage?
Hey, its time for one of my rare, but long, blogs! Im also following my tradition by writing it at 4 in the morning. Hey, its Saturday. I be allowed. I will, however, break tradition by not writing a controversial blog like several of my previous ones have been. Too bad, so sad. *tear*
So, recently, I got off my archer hiatus and started leveling Ris again. Shes still gaining levels at an absolutely abysmal pace, but at least its faster than during the summer. Funny, how I tend to play more during school. Oh right, Im in Iowa, where theres nothing to do. Anyway, a few days ago, I hit 89. Because I had been 88 for so long and wanted to do something completely adventurous, I decided to go hunting some big things. Marks included Gatekeepers, Phantom Watches, and Thanatos. Oh god, Thanatos hurts. Lets just say, that, well, its not the left side that does the status effects. However, upon death, I apparently become the incarnate of MC Hammer. read more