Oh em gee (bwah?)

So, some of you may have noticed (someone? anyone?) that I haven’t made a peep (not the marshmallow kind – those are gross) since early December. Well, not counting the Basil blog I posted earlier today (oh man, two in one day; it’s a record!). Anyway, here’s the mandatory “I’m not dead” blog, along with a summary of what I’ve been doing these past few months. Forgive the title, too. I haven’t slept normally in three days.

First off, Maple stuff. My guild leader and I actually got married (see the reference blog here) back in the end of December. The wedding was alright – we couldn’t get everyone we wanted there because of time zone issues and the holidays, but we did get a couple of guild members and friends. Poor Moony disconnected right after it started and couldn’t get back in, though. Rit got disconnected near the end, too, so he ended up wasting a lot of money because we couldn’t do the little “party” thing at the end. Then we were stuck with the leftovers of the wedding (invitations, engagement ring/box, the Blessing) hogging our inventories. I don’t even know if they’re still there, because I haven’t logged in in a while.

I also got up to level 75. I’m slowly working on maxing Strafe and am constantly cursing Nexon for making crap archer training maps. I’m so sick of zombies. x_x I tried leeching off Ajema at Gobies for a while, but the experience there was abysmal. Death Teddies weren’t too good either, because Ara had to come with us and not be laggy at all. Zombies are sadly still my best bet because of their killing ease, but man, it’s been 20 levels of nothing but zombies.

My guild found a Maple Snowboard on the first night that snowboards dropped. We managed to sell it for 100 million later that night. The bidding was an epic race between two bandits. I’m not going to ask why they both wanted a Maple Snowboard so badly, because that 100 million is very nice for us. Ajema can finally get himself some new shoes. XD

I started a cleric to do the Ludi PQs. Poor little Neryia. She keeps getting badgered because she has a both a black and a maple bandanna. People love those things far too much. I can’t remember what level she is right now – maybe 26? I’ve also had a couple of people fight over her like they used to fight over Nurie. Some annoying things never change. -_-

My computer of several years finally died about a month ago. I’m now running a shiny new HP with… Vista. </3 Vista. That’s why I haven’t been able to play at all recently, along with the fact that school decided to load me up with a crapload of homework over the past two months. Plus, the weather here hasn’t been exactly ideal (heck, we had a blizzard last week), so I’ve been suffering a small form of cabin fever. I can’t sit still in front of a computer for very long anymore – gotta get up and move. I also learned how to make some spiffy things in photoshop, like bubbles (BUBBLES!) and planets. I even made a new space background for my computer during my insomnia last night. It didn’t turn out too badly.

Anyway, that’s pretty much it. Who knows when I’ll actually be able to play Maple again, so my blogs will be even more limited than they were before. So, I’m bidding you all adieu for now. Have good spring breaks if you have them (and haven’t already had them; wow, that’s really poor structure). As always, no refunds on wasted time!

One thought on “Oh em gee (bwah?)”

  1. One of my former guild mates has insomnia, too o_o;;


    I have no idea who you are and that you were gone

    But you seem like a nice person worth knowing.

    Congratulations on 75, the maple snowboard, and figuring stuff out in photoshop o_O

    -runs away-

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