Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a…

Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a… Smexy I/L Mage?

Hey, it’s time for one of my rare, but long, blogs! I’m also following my tradition by writing it at 4 in the morning. Hey, it’s Saturday. I be allowed. I will, however, break tradition by not writing a controversial blog like several of my previous ones have been. Too bad, so sad. *tear*

So, recently, I got off my archer hiatus and started leveling Ris again. She’s still gaining levels at an absolutely abysmal pace, but at least it’s faster than during the summer. Funny, how I tend to play more during school. Oh right, I’m in Iowa, where there’s nothing to do. Anyway, a few days ago, I hit 89. Because I had been 88 for so long and wanted to do something completely adventurous, I decided to go hunting some big things. Marks included Gatekeepers, Phantom Watches, and Thanatos. Oh god, Thanatos hurts. Let’s just say, that, well, it’s not the left side that does the status effects. However, upon death, I apparently become the incarnate of MC Hammer.

In her musical debut, MC Arccer

I serenaded the lovely Thanati for a few more minutes (they seemed to enjoy it; they were dancing along), but alas, I had to leave. They didn’t take that too well. 

I’ll miss you too

You may be thinking that I left to go and train. However, if you thought that, you would be wrong. I decided to continue my suicide run by taking on a Crimson Balrog. I rushed to the ship, hurriedly purchased my ticket, and waited with bated breath for the beast. And waited. And waited. F3 Stupid hairy monkey. Fine. I’ll go fight a boss I can find! Here, fishy fishy!

I imagined something more along the lines of a goldfish…

Yeah, apparently I still don’t have enough HP to survive Pianus. There I go channeling MC Hammer again, too. I don’t know who Rams channels. It’s probably something cool, because Rams is made of win. Anyway, since I managed to drag Mr. Ramseye into this fight, he decided to exact revenge on the fish. Hey, that was hard-earned experience he lost! So he called some people, I called some people, and we vowed to make fishy sticks out of that… well… fish. Well, they vowed. I sat and watched, floating silently, and resupplying the fighters with potions. Even with Hyper Body, I still die in one hit. I think I was the comic relief for the rest of the party. “Oh hey, coming through the door! *strafeswiffplop* Oh hey, nice to see you again tombstone. How have you been? It’s been so long.” But, after about an hour and a half of hard fighting (or, in my case, hard floating), we were victorious!


Yay. Dancing and rejoicing abounded, until we realized we’d have to fight Pianus several more times for the Pianus Scream item. Oy.

My guild mates also apparently decided they were in the mood for calamari yesterday. That’s right! 5 ‘Goose squid party, baby. What really surprised all of us, though, was that the experience was pretty good. Our leader wasn’t expecting it to be, because we were bringing a F/P mage with us. However, all of us averaged pretty decent experience, and we had a blast. Nothing quite beats a map filled with the green, gaseous clouds of poison, blue icicle strikes, randomly flying arrows, and a couple slews of bandit damage numbers.

Well, another of our guild members hit 3rd job last week. We’re growing like mold. D: Anyway, I don’t really have a story for this. Let’s just say there were a lot of people rooting him to get to 3rd job.

Your call. 3 levels of mages, or Clan Spagoose Drive Thru?

Happy guild photo, or a chick magnet?

Alright, I thought I had more pictures than that. >_> Oh well. Anyway, needless to say, everyone was very happy, and we finished the job advancement rites of passage by going to Death Teddies. Ahahaha… That was interesting. But no one died, so that’s a good omen!

And on to the last topic, LMPQ. My cleric recently got high enough to try this anomaly, and I was quite curious. Let me say, most of the LMPQers I’ve met have been extremely nice and overall great people. It’s a stark contrast compared to KPQ and LPQ, which are the only ones I have real experience. Most are helpful, considerate, and literate. I’ve only had a somewhat bad experience with one group, and even then, it wasn’t too horribly bad. I met a group today that was a dream. We consistently got in and completed the quests quickly. However, the real kicker of the party was how well we meshed together. We didn’t argue at all. I don’t think a single unkind word was said. If the leader missed, we all shrugged it off and said, “Hey, there’s always next time.” And, this group lasted. We PQed together for at least 2 hours, which made for many runs. I only wish more than half the party, including myself, didn’t have to leave. Alas, this too, shall come to pass.

Party of awesome. Anything witty just wouldn’t do them justice

So, in short, the past week of Maple has been one of the most enjoyable I’ve had in a long time. Why can’t it be like this more often? D:

As usual, no refunds on lost or wasted time. If I had that skill, I’d be in Hawaii right now, away from all this snow.

She who shall stop writing at obscene hours of the morning

8 thoughts on “Monsters win 20+ to 3. Plus, LMPQ and a…”

  1. Gah, Silver, you’re catching up to me so quickly. At this rate, you shall pass meh. D: Also, I <3 my guild. They’re the greatest.

  2. Quickly?
    Wow, that’s like the last thing anyone would have said to my levelling speed, ahahaha. I think the last time I leveled up was, um. . . See, I can’t even remember when, it was so long ago. >>;
    (Oh yeah, it was one week ago. )

    I love my guild too. <3

  3. I’m in your blogs… commenting on them?

    Nah, that doesn’t make sense. Well, you get the point. Nice blog.

  4. RussetAure said: “MMOTales doesn’t comment enough >.>

    -insert comment-“

    What if you have a valid excuse, like having your fingers frozen stiff? Or getting a cold? Or in my case, both? D:

  5. I did a Thana run too, like, loooong time ago. XD I only just yelled at the pair of Thanati that killed me. My SSes weren’t even that nice, since there were like, two Thanati, one Mandos and one Me being all piled up in the right-hand corner.

    But I NEARLY NEARLY killed one of them, I swear! >O!

    Ooh, level 89. I need about like, 50% more to get to that.
    And your guild sounds spiffy.

  6. LMPQ is my favorite PQ.
    Someday I’m just gonna get a bunch of my guildmates and actually do full LMPQ for the heck of it

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