7 thoughts on “[LordIsaac Tutorial #1]”

  1. =D No problem! I’ll gladly make comics that are requested, or just inspired by someone asking for a bit of help, like this one.

  2. Rating: 8/10

    -1 : Flawed method: The method shown will fill in the empty area with tan if you select and delete anything.
    -1 : Indecency

  3. Usually, there would be dots of blue everywhere, which is harder to fix than a single/few clicks of the mouse with the paint bucket. Usually, if you move something and it shows tan, you can easily just fill that in with the original colour with a single click, It works for me, I never said it had to work for anyone else. (I usually actually just change the right-click colour back to white because the cropping and pasting of the characters is only a portion of the comic making process.)

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