Soo…. howdy ho I’m new to MMO.
Just randomly found this website… I don’t remember how, but it looked interesting so I’m here for now.
A few things to know about me:
~ I’m a spelling and grammar Nazi (on most days).
~ I’m usually pretty lazy.
~ I like to blog.
~ Some people think I’m nice and honest… and some think I’m just plain !@#$@! (It’s really up to you to decide, to be honest I usually don’t care to much).
Ok, ok… so that really wasn’t my introduction. You’ll find it below (yes it will be the real thing).
Name: Arisu (not my real name, but I’m seriously considering the whole name change thing)
Age: 19
Country: Canada
Gender: F
Languages: English (Native), French (used to be fluent), German and Spanish (both beginner), Japanese (beginner).
Feel free to communicate with me in any of the languages. Even though I won’t understand it at first, I am trying to get better at all of them. Anyways… more introduction following:
Game: MapleStory
NX: Yes
Server: Bellocan (Only because I have a lot of money left on there…)
Job: ?
Why does job have a ‘?’? I am going to restart an account on MS since its been a long time since I last played. I’m definitely uncertain about which job I should take. Anybody care to try to help me narrow it down?
My top choices are assassin, bandit, spearman and fighter.
These are my reasonings/attraction to each.
~ Fast attack.
~ Decent attack.
~ I do enjoy ranged attack style.
~ Fast.
~ Nice looking attacks.
~ Alright weapon pricing.
~ Powerful close range attacking.
~ I’ve always wanted a DK.
~ Powerful attack.
~ Nice 3rd job moves.
~ Faster than DK.
~ Hero is supposedly stronger than Dark Knight.
~ Still has nice moves.
Well anyways, since I’m in class I need to go. I’ll maybe find myself on MS later tonight, if so I’ll announce my character name to you guys tonight, and you can look me up if you please.
Have a good one, cheers.
~ Arisu ~
P.S. Hackers = =K
Welcome to the organized chaos that is MMOTales.
I like you because you arent nooby, and your grammer isn’t horrible. And you are from Canada! WOOO
Anyways, you are going to love this place.
Welcome to MMOT! It’s a crazy nut house here, and gj with being a grammar nazi. Anyways, I suggest a dit (cause I’m biased). Unless you’re dedicated, a DK isn’t for you. Hermit, eh, lucky 7 gets boring.
Thank you for the welcome gujju. Organized chaos is a good thing, we all need a little chaos or the world would be too boring, ne? Just to impress you with my grammar skills, I am using my best grammar possible this time. *Laughs*.
And oh yes, us Canadians, we definitely rock the world.
Thanks for the welcome ipod123432. I’ll wear my grammar perfectionist badge with honor.
I do love dits, an I had one recently. The problem is that my ex-boyfriend gave me some strange guidance, and my stats ended up getting destroyed. I think I’m going to scratch out hermit. Flash Jump is fun, but Lucky 7 does get boring, I admit it. I sort of have mixed feelings about DK. I had a friend who has gotten a DK to level 108 in less than a month, and this is all legit. I’m still debating the Crusader though.
Ja wohl! Das ist gut.
Welcome aboard. The Ninja, MMO superstar of yesteryear, welcomes you aboard.
Go for either ‘sader or Bandit; I have a level 94 bandit and it’s hellaciously fun. Also had a level 120 Crusader, massive damage.
Ich habe eine katze im meine hosen!
I love German. I love butchering it even more!
-smushes pie in your hair and runs away laughing maniacally-
Mein Kampf!
Hey, I’m Dest1. You’ll get to know me quickly.
I hope you enjoy your stay here
*Gives you a complimentary muffin*
(We strive on muffins here at MMOT, by the way ;D)
Welcome, fellow Canadian!
What province do you live in? Me and Gujju are in Ontario
Je parle français comme un vache espagnol. Et toi?
Où est le poulet?
What province do you live in? Me and Gujju are in Ontario
You are neither an indirect, direct, or prepositional object in that last sentence, Ganzicus, so you should be I! >:I
Sometimes I’m a grammar Nazi too. Maybe more so today because I’m blizzarded in. D:
What province do you live in? Me and Gujju are in Ontario
You are neither an indirect, direct, or prepositional object in that last sentence, Ganzicus, so you should be I! >:I
Sometimes I’m a grammar Nazi too. Maybe more so today because I’m blizzarded in. D:”
Screw the rules, I have pylons. >D
Ah, it wouldn’t let me type in hirigana. That sucks.
Oh well, hajimima****e. Watashi wa Mip desu, mod desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
Make a dit, dangit. Dit!
Though apparently warrior classes are a lot easier to level 20-30 now because of the new map in Kerning City (Hidden Street : Caution Falling Down) (why do I bother remembering map names exactly?) and slash blast.
Everybody knows German. . .
Hey, that’s MY job! >O
Anyhow, welcome to MMOtales~
Bonjour, je m’appelle Silver, and that’s about all the French I know right now other than ‘Ici, c’est la insanitorium de MMOtales’, which I’m sure is wrong anyway. >>;
*gives you a better muffin*
Hi there, welcome to MMOTales~! Enjoy your stay!
I used to be fluent in French as well, but I spent a year with a crappy teacher and now I have to start learning it all over again.
Why? ’cause it’s freakin’ required at our school. -suicide-
I’m Zhlink, one of the few/many Otaku(?s) in MMOT!
Most japanese phrases I know come from songs, like.
Espero que la pases bien en MMOT. :3
TheReplaced: Thank you. I studied French when I was younger, but stopped when I entered high school, so I’m forgetting most of it.
Zhlink: Arigatou gozaimasu. I pick up japanese stuff mostly from television shows.
Ganache: Muchas gracias.
I’m Zhlink, one of the few/many Otaku(?s) in MMOT!
Most japanese phrases I know come from songs, like.
Otaku-pride! Yeah!
D: I’m not an Otaku . . . I’m an addict.
Otaku, addict, all are welcome!
What’s Otaku?
Ah. I see.
Ph34r the power of Google and Wikipedia.