Taking way too much of there time ARG!

Well as everyone definetly already knows this Maple Story is running a new Patch Version 5.6 and well its already been like 21 hours plus?! The problem is only because they keep installing new extensions and add ons.Oh well,what can we do.Just waiting i guess.I read a funny comment on a thread that said a guy had been waiting since 8am this morning.Ugh anyways soon as they finish I’ll be there haha XD.

7 thoughts on “Taking way too much of there time ARG!”

  1. I hope they finish it soon, 22 hours is so much time just to put up a single patch. Yeesh, I thought the original amount of 13 hours was bad.
    Well, I hope its done soon, I want to play with you love <3

  2. Yeah I mean its just ridiculous oh my god.Tooo long I know.Aww i do too thanks love<3

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