Random Fun-0_0 AngelPancakes blog#3

Hey everyone! Just thought id keep everyone updated on my side and make a new blog here.Lately I have been busy with Maple Story just leveling up like crazy,I managed to level up almost 3 times in one day in the matter of 2 hours haha XD.Besides that just getting sooo annoyed by my bad connection with MS duded to my server.I get Disconnected like 15 times while playing which isn’t fun at all.I feel bad for making everyone say Welcome back 100 times haha.On the side of that my boyfriend [ShieldedHope]has been showing me around Sleepy woods,got me to a new quest of the 999 green mushroom hunt which i was amazed just for receiving over 2500 exp points just for that 0_0 and he also showed me the ropes of Gollem traps which are deadly for a user like me.I also just got my first Big attack I’m starting to feel so powerful now,hahah.I been trying to work hard on just getting to level 30 soon,since me and my bf are planning a wedding together,heheh, i was hoping he could just use the MTS trade for it…I feel bad making him really buy NX for it. In the mean time i been trying to keep up my profil3 account which is a REALLY slow site,haha.Sorry profi3.But it’s true.haha.

>>>Link to my Profil3 accountcheck it out!

Yesterday i found myself watching this vid,awww good times,so I’m a huge fan of DBZ!!! and i really love this vid so watch it,BEST EVER!!!DBZ video

I met a few new buddys on Maple this last week,some are just plain annoying and wont stop talking had to blacklist one…0_0 some 13 year old kid kept following me every channel i would transport to,haha.I keep randomly change channels just to be alone sometimes.So that’s about it now,Im going to set my self some Goals on Maple Story and hopefully fulfill them all,Like reaching level 30 and getting to my second job as soon as possible cant wait to be a mighty girl paladin!!!!Page-White Knight -Paladin

So anyways,Not much else been happening around here just thought id make a fast blog for you people thanks for reading allhope you enjoyed it!(im writing this before dinner ahah) >_>

8 thoughts on “Random Fun-0_0 AngelPancakes blog#3”

  1. Yay! Another would-be Page! I hit White Knight a couple days ago :). That reminds me, I should get started on mi level 70 vid. Anyone know where I can pirate Sony Vegas? :P

  2. Wow,congrats on that LordHobo! I cant wait to be a White knight myself.Thanks for the comment.

  3. Awww, I love helping you ya know, hahaha. Well, its not really a gollem trap, its more of a pit. In it, theres a hidden portal to the Gollem Temple, but you’re far away from that right now, hahaha. I hope I can help you level up quicker, and I hope you get some better internet, it stinks when you disconnect so many times. D= Awwww, I hope we’re both paladins one day. XD

  4. ShieldedHope said: “Awww, I love helping you ya know, hahaha. Well, its not really a gollem trap, its more of a pit. In it, theres a hidden portal to the Gollem Temple, but you’re far away from that right now, hahaha. I hope I can help you level up quicker, and I hope you get some better internet, it stinks when you disconnect so many times. D= Awwww, I hope we’re both paladins one day. XD”

    By then I’ll probably still be a level 70 WK, What world are you 2 on?

  5. Lol, it’ll take you a long time to get to third job. GMS exp rates aren’t “Awesome”.

  6. repty said: “Nice guild name , it’s just awesome .”

    *cough* Uh, that’s a really, really, really bad pun. I’m sorry, but dayum

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