…is a Z-Run group.
The group I run with, to be exact. And I’m the only runner without a Z-Helm. Sort of.
Today was normal. Nothing to blog about (*COUGHpreviousblogCOUGH*) and the only spectacular thing about today was NX.
300k NX, that is.
I paid for it, but I didn’t buy it. I entrusted it to a friend to buy it for me.
Apparently, the cashier said something about getting a girlfriend for cheaper.
Ironically, I’ve already got one. Silly hum- cashier, GFs are for pros! Sort of.
Anyways, being the enterprising businessman I am (not really), I set out with cracking open the first $25 card. And I charged it.
Then I opened my second $25 card.
That was when disaster struck..!
I accidentally scratched off a portion of the last part of the code..!
Futilely, (MUDADA!) I tried to randomly type in digits. To no avail.
So I skipped ahead, and opened another $25.
And then… left to practice the piano. Like I always do.
When I came back, I logged in, and… Did nothing. Except revive my rabbit.
Ooh, that wascally wabbit!
And I tried out my auto-looting pet at Sky Nest II (one of my “S>Genesis” spots). Needless to say, looting was excellent.
And I found about 4 equips in the 30 minutes that I was there. Lucky me, huh?
Doesn’t end there: I was leech-training another of my friends later, and, aside from earning the 4m for training him, I’d found about 3 more equips, and that Steely that never, ever drops from Blood Harps!!
That was cool.
Then I sold one of my $10 cards to my friends. I sca-, err, sold the card fair and square for 25m. Not bad.
Then a guild member tried to buy some NX from me in the form in clothes. Total earnings of 30-40m from him.
And another one complained about how I ‘promised’ NX to him. Let’s just say that we had a little argument that ended up in us forgiving each other. After acting like a-holes to each other, that is. And starting guild drama over $10 of NX.
Then I changed my look.
Instead of looking like a ‘girl-looking guy,’ I’m now an ‘albino-emo-looking guy.’ Cool, huh?!
Z-Run was tonight. And, just like last week, NEXON plopped a server-close at 10:00 PM.
Long story short, we beat Zak. with about 30mins to spare for a 2nd run. A “fun” run, mind you.
And I got my Helm. Finally.
Yep. I’m Helm’d now. Yay me.
But it makes me look bald. Boo.
I decided to pass on the fun run, as a friend I’d long not seen appeared.
Apparently, he’d been hacked/scammed out of his equips.
Being the kind friend I am, I gave him the 34?/35? attack, 6 LUK Black Scarab I’d been holding. And I promised him Kumbi’s the next day. No Steely, though; I need my money!
Final notes:
I spent $300 on NX. Before you go about criticizing my spending spree habits, I’ve nothing else to spend it on. Besides, it’s not exactly my money… Hehe…
I reached 100m in Mesos today. This is the very first time I’ve ever gotten this many in just mesos. To think that just two weeks ago, I was only hold 16m, huh?
~Final Announcements~
I’m looking for a Doomsday Staff. The Dimon Wand I’m holding does not suit my tastes at all.
I’m selling training @ various places for various prices. Talk to me in-game for more details.
No screen shots. Sorry.
No comics either. Sorry.
Eventide. Those of you who know what I’m talking about should be told that Lightning Helix is coming back. As a creature.
~Blog finished @ 11:02 PM, PST
All events regarding this day are marked as “True.” Unless otherwise notified, you should believe in this blog, and believe that this blog believes in you.
Nice blog, enjoyed reading it :]
The max amount of nx ive ever charged is $50,
Edit: What world do you play in? *crosses figners for kradia*
Metinks forte is in Scania and/or Bera Sashimi. One thing I don’t get though. If you wanted mesos and you had RL money to blow you could have just bought from a meso selling website, 1 bil is roughly 200 bucks, I don’t check though.
I play in Bera, actually.
I don’t really trust my money to ‘unofficial’ sources, like meso-selling sites, and I feel somewhat better that I’m using my money to (hopefully) contribute to NEXON instead of to some hacking/farming company only out for the money. Not that NEXON isn’t out for the money, either.
300k NX? Jesus Christ.
No further comment to prevent arguments.
lol @ gfs are for pros.
300k NX? Woah. Cool. But er, wow.
GF’s are for pro’s. . . hehe.