Evil Strange Friday

I want to talk about my Friday, and no, who cares if it’s not MMO related

[Currently high on Jasmine Green Tea]
Somehow when I see a fat kid walking by, or a fat kid eating oily fat foods, my impression to them is, “Eat more if you wanna die, bish.” Adding that, I am a gluttonous person, yet I am still skinny because I exercise often. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down- Interruption

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening MMO Talers.

It is I, Ray, the Author of the Why She Kept Her Head Down series.

I have an update to make. It appears as if I neglected my story for awhile and I’ve lost my interest to continue with it. I’m sorry, but I must disband/discontinue the series…for now.

I still have the layout of the story and it’s only going to get more suspenseful. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me some input on if I should continue the series or not later on. There’s also a significantly greater number of new MMOers that I’ve never seen around before so I wonder if they’d even be interested since most of the plot characters are those from the older generation of MMO Tales. read more

My experience *before* KFT

I expected that, without my brother around, I’d finally get some peaceful mapling time. But when I start MS, the GameGuard window freezes at the ‘connecting’ stage; when its seizure ends, it slams my screen with a 2D-morse-code error message (that image over there *points*, I don”t know how to link to it >.

‘Server maintenance?’ is my second tech-geek guess, so I rush to MS site, only to see the ‘Your connnection sucks and therefore, the page cannot be shown’. I tried with different site, because it wouldn’t be the first time that maple’s is down. That other site didn’t work either. read more

Twenty from Goal.

Gentlemen! Behold! Level 50!

I have succeeded in thrusting into the hole that is labeled “The Level 50 Club”. Thanks be to my long, hard efforts into strutting my good self into the party. It has taken me nearly a year to reach this level, but I’ve trained my ass for a while and I’ve come to bear the fruits of my labor. And to commemorate level fifty, I’ve consummated a orgy of items to clad myself in (and hold close to my body like a certain male-specific organ because of repressed childhood desires, thanks Dr. Freud). read more

Another Day Of Graal

Ok I haven’t made a post in a while. And I haven’t played graal since today. Anyways my friend got graal and were playing awhile ago. We were on the sweep fleet it was fun. Then I started making inside jokes. And calling the enemy segas. Which doesn’t mean anything. But they thought it was a insult in another language. But some of my teamates are like me. Since I am the medic these guys on the enemy team crowded all around. Me so I was typing freakin segas. While they were pulling me and saying med. Then I said it and ran. They started shooting but never caught up. My friend logged off later. Then I played for a little while got 27 heals. Then I logged out and here I am. All that and I leared how to say special ed in Spanish. Its ed especial I am not kidding well anyways read more

Maple War -Chapter 10- (Going Sour)

I included some NON-STORY related Pictures with this. SO I might as well get them out of they way first.
You know how I’m usually chainsawing people in half? Well, this time I took some digital photos!
(I was using Gears of War)

Picture 1- Theres me! I look smexy

Picture 2- I chainsawed Dest so many times. . . this is his remains. Notice the chunks. . . read more

Happy or sad

I’ve leveled too fast and most my buddies are low lvled. Sure they are my buddies who I’ve had good times in the past, but we rarely (or never) get to train together. My high lvled buddies (100+) are all new to me but we feel like strangers because I didn’t lvl up with them since 40 -.-‘ like most of their buddies. I’ve been playing Maple for a while and I don’t have any close buddies around my lvl who I can have personal conversations with. I train a lot, and I don’t fool around much, I spend most of my time just… training. I fear that if they don’t know me and I’m a high lvl player, they might think I’m a hacker but this is just a thought. The guy who wants to marry me knew me since I’ve started playing, but he’s not someone who I can train with/ talk with. Maple is a place we can relax, but I feel so restricted in a way. Well, this is my first blog ever. Thanks for reading read more

On underwear and sins.


Sometime in one’s life one must get one’s priorities straight.

For instance.
If you know something is vitally important to your existence, it would be wise to spend a good amount of time each day thinking about, talking to, or bowing down to such object.
Therefore: if bread > pants, and underwear > pants, and underwear > bread, then PANTS DOES NOT EQUAL PANTSBREAD. read more

Dawn of the Dead

Ello everyone!

This morning sucked, I woke up to a very bad stomach ache, so bad I couldnt move for 2 hours.x_x

Later after my little stomach ordeal I logged onto MS, nobody was on in my guild to talk to so I decided to do some PQing. It got pretty boring pretty fast since I was lagging extremly bad so I dicthed the idea of PQing and thought about doing a quest in El Nath. read more

*does the Alley-has-a-Brother-dance*

I have infiltrated Scania! *evil laugh* Yep. ^^ I finally ended up making a Scania account after getting tired of dying on Khaini and not feeling like going on my Bera mule.
So I’m a warrior there and I’ve been there since thursday and I’m level 16. ^^ My sn there is ALLhisfault (’cause it is. *blames Ninja for her Scania account*)
I’m also in a spifftastic guild there… FULL OF YOU GUYS!! OoO *waves at all of you* read more