On underwear and sins.


Sometime in one’s life one must get one’s priorities straight.

For instance.
If you know something is vitally important to your existence, it would be wise to spend a good amount of time each day thinking about, talking to, or bowing down to such object.
Therefore: if bread > pants, and underwear > pants, and underwear > bread, then PANTS DOES NOT EQUAL PANTSBREAD.

Which in turn proves to us that the meaning of life is running around in one’s underwear.

I realized that the other day!

And so I ran around in my underwear while we went goleming: Picture 1.

And I ran around in my underwear while making faces at innocent bystanders (who were most gratifyingly freaked out).

And I spasmed about underwear in the guildy folks bbs: Picture 2.

We talked at long length about underwear and therapists.

Me: My name is broo and I need a therapist! ;D
Skullface: lol
Skullface: for panties?
Me: Yus.
Me: ;D
Me: But I know what the therapist will say to me!
Me: He’ll say: Broo, wear your underwear if you feel like it

Because therapists are cool like that. ;3

Then I went MMing in my underwear, deciding that due to the pure awesomeness of my underwear, MM could not withstand me and should thereby meet her gruesome fate.

I hung on the rope at MM’s spawn area.

And hung there. . .

And hung there. . .

And then for a brief change of position, I decided to hang there.

Half an hour passed. My guildmate AD stalked me, and we partied.

And then –


A little blip at the top of the screen notified us of approaching intruders.
It was a sin.
Third jobbed, and just broiling in his awesome damage’s splendor.
I was kinda upset, thinking he’d just go ahead and kill MM as soon as she made her appearance.
We talked a bit, and he noticed I was a beginner (probably after seeing my terrible damage, f6).

Soon afterwards MM phased in, and I was surprised to notice that he made no move whatsoever towards her.
I was like “huh”. And then tried my hand at stabbing her guts out.
And so:




And then I died, succumbing to a laggy repot button. Oh well, I thought, MMing in one’s underwear never was the wisest thing, ‘specially when one only has 786 HP.

I was so happy though! He didn’t kill her, and even gave me time to revive in Henesys and come back. (Picture 3)
When I finally managed to get there, a bandit had already come in and killed her.
But it really struck me as being the thought that counted.
You don’t often meet many people who are so nice anymore, at least not in these parts.
We went our separate ways.

I was glad to have met him before I had my next sin experience.


Growing tired of being the same level for so long, I ran off to train at one of my favorite killing places: firey boars!
I found an empty channel and settled down for the relentlessly boring process of EXP gathering.
It wasn’t too long before a few players decided to come and train in the same map.
One of them was a rather annoying sin, who seemed to take the utmost pleasure in KSing my pants off.
I asked him a few times to stop, and he replied that the maps were for everyone, and that he was just trying to get experience like me.
I rather agreed with the premise of the maps being for everyone, and retreated to another side of the map.
Sure, we could share.
But it really went too far when he decided to kill anything I touched.
After a while he left.
And then I left.


Faelli and a few of my friends were there, which made it even funner
It was so hard not to kill stuff while we waited for everyone to get to Henesys Hunting Grounds. ;D

Level 52, baby. (Picture 5!)

And now I must go off and play some DDR. Because my attention span suddenly died!

I shall blog about the rest. . .uh. . . later. D:

BYAR! <3

8 thoughts on “On underwear and sins.”

  1. For some reason, the 1st paragraph reminds me of The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy O_o

  2. Therefore: if bread > pants, and underwear > pants, and underwear > bread, then PANTS DOES NOT EQUAL PANTSBREAD.

    Bread is better than pants, and underwear is better than pants, and underwear is better than bread; therefore, pants does not equal to pantsbread.

    Ahh, so bread is better than pants, and underwear is better than,

    I’m sorry. I just don’t get it.

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