been away for a while.

I’m back on MMO tales.

after a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG break, I’ve finally made it back here, and I still get the urge to write a blog.
Alot has happened in the meantime while I was gone.
I shall start with this week.
After finally leveling to 115, I had around 70mil mesos left, and decided to finally scroll my overall (pic 1).
It turned out pretty good, and I’ve made ~120mil with it.
Earrings turned out to be +3. read more

Last of the Shadow Foxes: 17 Illusionist

Crossroads on Eighth – Main Alliance Base

Lightning arced through the street, crackling and flickering everywhere. Alexia tumbled into the gutter, narrowly missing hissing strands of lightning. Ozone was rife in the air and the hunter gagged, retching quietly down the drain. The offensive had picked up the pace, a myriad of mages advancing steadily, protected by ranks of warriors and bowmen. Checking his quiver, he noted that he had roughly a dozen arrows left. Cursing, he notched an arrow to his Bow of Magical Destruction. He would have to make every shot count. read more

PQ’s Part II

I hate PQ’s.

I do, they’re the same thing over and over again, with little change (grinding can be argued to be the same, but that’ll be covered). Then there’s the waiting. And waiting. And more waiting. OH CRAP CLICK! Wow, miss again. Parties for PQ’s are so hit and miss it’s not funny. And it seems to be more of the miss type. read more

MMP! Clicky here! x)

Why, hello thar, MMOTalers! :] Long time, no blog, eh? =D But really, let’s get tot his blog, ‘kay?


Only 9 levels left. =) Yay go me! :] With encouragement from Pat and all of my friends, I know I can get there. 8)


My cell-phone contact list expanded, due to good friends from Maple Story! Hee hee
-Pat (Lnuyasha1216 – of course he’s on the list. 8D~)
-Jeff (Freedom1331, Mrjumpshot)
-Max (xXVeggieXx)
-Fate (xfatecb, xxfatemagixx)
-Drae (DraEE)
-Peter (thetrueninja)
-Mar (Mariahcherry)
-Izzy (Show0ff, xwawa)
-Quang (Quit MS)
-Sang (Quit MS)
-Alec (Quit MS) read more

Frustrations with Graphics

EDIT: Ugh…how do these image links work??? Not used to this… Will check it out later.
EDIT2: Nevermind fixed it…I think…

NOTE: These events took place from over a year ago in V5 up to current day, if not a week ago, on V7. This is just a rant on my frustration with a lot of images to go with it. VERY LONG ENTRY!!!!!!

Ever played an MMO with a computer/laptop with a horribly outdated graphics card? Not like the shiny Radeon series or GeForce or whatever they are called. Like one of those old Intel Extreme Graphics 2 or any of the Intel series? I HAVE AND STILL DO. read more

Stop.. Hammer time…


I am a shameless NX addict and I need help…

Anyway, I tried my luck with the EXP hair coupon again. I was incredibly nervous headed to the hair salon (I love Djien’s Naomi hair a LOT but it wasn’t workin’ out-I didn’t want to look like three thousand other maple girls). Actually, I was so anxious that I accidentally went into the skin place twice… in a row. The first ticket I used gave me the dirty, disheveled hair (when EXP hair with Lovitt, I got it 4 times in a row and gave up). The second was exactly the hair that my buddies were sick of me raving about. I finally got the Zessica hair. read more

Panda’s a HOBO??!


Vagrant-A Person who is a [poor] wanderer and has no permanent settlement.

So, what does this have to do with your Godly Panda? I’m a FlyFF’er now =]

Yeah, I just got tired, flipped the bird to my MapleStory icon, Uninstalled it, and turned on a couple of good songs as FlyFF downloaded. 47 minutes later, I grabbed myself a steaming bowl of rice and pork, dropped it on my table, and, pork still half out of my mouth, double clicked the FlyFF icon rapidly. read more

Farewell! =[

OOOH!! WARNING! This is gonna be a pretty long blog I think~

HELLO! HI! Yeah, I’m surprised I’m writing another blog sooo soon! But anyway, YEAH! Well, where to start…the day started out well so far, in fact…GREAT! My friend, Strawberry (GGitzAly) gave me a silver snowboard and scrolled some stuff for me which was really nice of her! read more

5/4 people are bad with fractions

Luckily, Im not bad with fractions.

Anyways, I am here to sadly report my loss in interest to mapling The large armies of hackers and their corny puns had made me sick and tired of it.

. . . I havent been mapling in like a month or so, and I don’t think I want to.

So ladies and gentlemen. . . and others.
The girls who work at hooters.
The burger flippers of society. read more

Random GPQ images

Well, I decided to put up some pics of my gpq experiences. =3

Might provide a tutorial….

1. This is stage 3, and it resembles a ‘Mastermind’ game. We have to put food (Obtained via a jumping quest), wine (Also a jumping quest), Scroll and medal (By killing the ghost like monsters when we enter… we’re fighting it in this screenshot because our guess was wrong)
2. I put the spear (Longinus spear) in the holder. The spear is attained through a jumping quest on which I will not elaborate on. The holder can be reached also through a jumpung quest. Wizet is torturing us with jumping quests!
3. The stage before the boss!!! It’s complicated….
4. What you have to do before you can get into the boss stage. The noob under lvl 30 has to drop his or her ring and die in front of the huge door there. In here, our noob simply took it off, but didn’t dorp it, and she died for nothing, so our priest(Which we called ‘Des’ in this screenshot) tried to die and see if it would work, it didn’t so we’re laughing on how the priest died for nothing, lol!
5. Aand the boss killed our hermit and chief bandit………………… We didn’t manage to kill it at that time, though. This week, my guild has always managed to kill the boss with each pq. read more