*does the Alley-has-a-Brother-dance*

I have infiltrated Scania! *evil laugh* Yep. ^^ I finally ended up making a Scania account after getting tired of dying on Khaini and not feeling like going on my Bera mule.
So I’m a warrior there and I’ve been there since thursday and I’m level 16. ^^ My sn there is ALLhisfault (’cause it is. *blames Ninja for her Scania account*)
I’m also in a spifftastic guild there… FULL OF YOU GUYS!! OoO *waves at all of you*

As for the brother reference. I have 2 brothers now. ^^ A MS one and a real biological one. 8D *points to Veggie wherever he is* Thass my MS brother. ^^ He’s spiffy. We goofed off in the Hene. Hunting Ground for a while and then he was going to show me the Slime Tree (’cause I never know things by their names XD;; ) but he had to go. +1 to my MS family! That makes… 2 counting my MS hubby/RL boyfriend. <3 *makes mental note to take more screenshots*

And my actual little brother just turned 5 weeks old on April 27th. x3 I get to go to Germany this Christmas to visit my dad, step-mom, and him. ^^ Which is good because it means that after 5/6/7 years of me poking my dad and step-mom and telling them I want a little brother to spoil they finally listened to me! <D So yay for little Danny. <3

But now it is time for this wolfie to go to work and make some money so she can go to a far away from bufu college. x3 Later peoples. <D You all rawk spiffly hardcore… Which means you’re all awesome… AWESOME LIKE A OPPOSUM!


12 thoughts on “*does the Alley-has-a-Brother-dance*”

  1. Good luck in Scania and Germany and College and your little brother!

    *Stares at your brother*

    Welcome welcome to EternalAngel

    I have yet to come see you x)

    Wooo! Max is your brother too then, eh? Well Alley love, I guess this means we’re sisters! <333


  3. Aliyah: OMG YAY! 8D *tackle hugs you*
    Gujju: Yes you must! *brain washes you into doing so*
    Ben: Okie dokie. ^^ *only has 2 buddies at the moment anyway*

  4. Traitor
    Khaini = pwnage with our awesome Ilbi prices and less people so less lag

  5. Scania = PWNAGE and no lag if you have a computer with internet connections like mine.

  6. But what about the crowded training spots? You’ll barely get a chance to kill MM and if by some chance, Tiger walks by, prepare for a legion of stalkers(of Tiger)

  7. AliyahRoyal said: “ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEYYYYY! XD *hugs you*
    Welcome welcome to EternalAngel

    I have yet to come see you x)

    Wooo! Max is your brother too then, eh? Well Alley love, I guess this means we’re sisters! <333


    O_o what
    My guild name is EternalAngel

  8. RoflWaffle said: “

    AliyahRoyal said: “ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEYYYYY! XD *hugs you*
    Welcome welcome to EternalAngel

    I have yet to come see you x)

    Wooo! Max is your brother too then, eh? Well Alley love, I guess this means we’re sisters! <333


    O_o what
    My guild name is EternalAngel”

    *Chokes and spits out OJ that I was drinking before*



    That’s too coincidential. D:

    I’m coming after youÂ…*Checks your MMOid*

    What’s your character?! >D

  9. RoflWaffle: Don’t worry. ^^ I haven’t given up on Khaini altogether. &lt *was just there again today* ^^

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