Okay title will be explained Later on x3
Hmm So.
Leveled to 63
Leveled to 64 !
Leveled to 65!!! ! YASDG AYSHD YAY.
Well. I don’t remember much about leveling to 63, except it was at Pangs, and i was really tired of training.
Leveling to 64 was slow. At 62% a group of us decided to Zakum PQ. The Group was: Me. Don(Ranger). Jae(Hermit) and Matt(chief bandit). You could say i felt, very.. 2nd job.
Overall we did 2 PQs, then some of us had to go afk. Leaving us with 10 Dead Mine scrolls each. <3 Awesome for getting to pangs. And then i was like. 67%. :3 And what’s this, i was.. /motivated/? For the first time in a loooooong while, i actually wanted to train. o_o; So i leveled up to 64, and, hey guess what? Suicide time!
Gobis, Pianus, Cold Sharks, Lycans, And the oh so scary Bains were all prodded till they were like. ‘RAWR I KILL YOU.’ -dies-