
Hello everyone
My name’s Jess and I had an MMO account before only I neglected it for a bit and now I cant remember the info for it -scratches head- Oh well o_o

A bit about me:

-Im a level 65 sin in Broa

-Yes, Im a girl o_o

-IMO, PQ > Training

-I like Oreos.

Even though my IGN is AznPride634, I’d rather not be referred to as “Azn”. Just over a year ago, my friend made the account and eventually bored himself to death. Since it was a girl, and seeing as it was already level 17, he saw no point in just deleting it and suggested I take up Maple. Unfortunately by that time the stats were already messed up (21 STR, 6 INT). I didnt know because I just started and leve 17 was pro to me. Well there’s my life story read more


The MMOT stalk-a-thon continues. Also, I leveled.

These people are never on:

Odaro (omg pro, train me plz)
Nerrissia (Check your mail.)
vicelin (Ran away to Khaini.)
Faelli (…RANGER? 8D) read more

Happiest Day :D

-Points at title-

I had a good day today

Today i got married :]. It was funny because no one knew how to get into the chapel lol.. and i bought the wrong ticket. I meant to get the Premium Cathedral Wedding Ticket. But instead i bough the Chapel because i thought the chapel was the big church D:

Everyone came in last minute because they didn’t know the channel and had a “techinical” difficulty. (1 && 2.) It was fun :]. They had funny music which was 10x better than a cathedral wedding music. Lol and we didn’t need blessings because it was vegas (yea-yuh) :p. And we went to the cake map as our guild members of FAITH dropped a lot of 50k bags lol. And i made it into a meso rainbow o_O. There was lots of people and lots of lag haha. (4) read more


Cutting the wild boar, I panted and sat down to take a rest. After feeding off potions to revive some health of mine, I resumed training. Then from behind me, someone kill-stealed my boar.

Looking behind, I saw HIM. Chuck Norris.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?” I screamed at him.

Chuck just grinned like he always did and continued killing MY BOARS; MY EXP. read more

Late night Mushmom raids.

Whoot. Lent is over. That means I get to play MS again!

So I’m still trying to find alternative means of training other than Zombies.
Seriously. I. Hate. Zombies.

I was about to call it a night when I thought how Mushmom would be right now. Would it be populated and KS bound? I decided to try it out. It was kinda late, why not?

So I jump into Mushy’s map. Nothing but Iron Pigs. I kill one. She spawned right there in my face!
I kill it, got my 1200 EXP, 1k, and a mushy spore.
This was Channel 10. read more

A Guild Dismantled – Prologue

One leader held together four major guilds that held together the people of maple, branched into numerous sections.

This leader, called a Kanest, has never been replaced. He is rumored to have been the first leader to rule these factions and is immortal.

Below the Kanest are a group of smaller rulers, named Khana There were four in total, replaced every century or if Death took them. They ruled the leaders of the branches, called Autha. read more