
The MMOT stalk-a-thon continues. Also, I leveled.

These people are never on:

Odaro (omg pro, train me plz)
Nerrissia (Check your mail.)
vicelin (Ran away to Khaini.)
Faelli (…RANGER? 8D)

Pshhh. I have found LunarPanda, Roisin, SilverFx, Cinnamon, MasterCheeze, tarheel91, and Rokuji.


I got into SM last weekend.


SeaMonkeys, that guild the members of MonkeyMafia created when our leader quit.

Before this happy event occurred, I was kind of surprised by the number of people who knew him. I had just logged onto my Ranger, and I told myself that I would join SM once I leveled.

My usual FoG map-surfing routine consists of jumping to an unused platform and asking if I can take it, changing channels if anyone tells me to “fck off” (no kidding, people tell me to).

“Weird hand thing; from ‘FreezyDoom’; Party invite; O/X”

Iepiat: Thanks.
FreezyDoom: Hey, you wanna join my guild?
FreezyDoom: I heard MM’s leader quit.
Iepiat: No thanks.

Needless to say, I had never before met this FreezyDoom, nor had I heard of his guild. “Fame!” shouted the Iepiat. “Glory!” he cried.

“My guild is dead!”


Earlier, I had tracked down tarheel on his hermit. He had been seen spamming the FM entrance with scroll prices and @’s and >’s and

He told me to meet him in his channel so that we could party.

Elbarto10: monkeymafia
Elbarto10: didnt happy quit
DexlessTelk: elbarto
DexlessTelk: sup
Elbarto10: hey
Elbarto10: did vanya quit



Aquila has a team of iron hog killers, it seems. Quite amazing.

Lunar and I were training at the beach. I ran around, drilling lethal quarrels in the hides of overly fast pigs and trying my best to avoid shooting the iron hog of death. Meanwhile, Lunar skipped about, wielding his mace à la Silver: that is, he bonked everything on the head.

Iron hog is a subset of everything.

Feh! 77 more accuracy and I could’ve taken it out, easy.

Lunar went to the next channel; I stayed behind for a bit. To my astonishment, an omg pro came into the map to kill the hog. Once he headed out, I sneakily snatched the ferrum foot and changed channels.

Furthermore, the fancy Silver got on to flaunt her effeminate features and to force me to receive free stuff .


Okay, I’ll stop.


10,000 exp at level 18: 70%
10,000 exp at level 77: .33%


As a prelude to the level up [1] a hermit/warrior party KSed me for my last eleven percent.

“bowman ur dmg is so funny thet i thing thet u have 10 dex”

I wanted to say, “—- —.” Unfortunately, Maple promotes congenial online relationships between the users of its software, i.e. it blocks words I want to say, and heyyy, I’m a nice guy. I kept silent and killed my monsters like a good little boy.

According to the undeniable mantra of the all-knowledgeable Rangers of old, a ranger must, that is, must put all of his skill points into strafe until it is maxed, or monstrous, terrible calamities will befall him, that which have not been seen for a thousand generations, etc, etc.

I unlocked level one arrow rain.

Arrow rain is addicting.

With arrow rain, I could finally solo that pesky jr balrog. [2] With arrow rain, I could wreak devastation in areas that had required endless bow thwacks. With arrow rain — oh, look. A SeaMonkeys member is on. [3]

The greeted me with open arms and scary Cash items.

Aquila’s hog killing squad in mind, I surfed through the pig beaches of Broa, killing six iron hogs along the way.


I got insulted once (with Humorous Emoticons, those deserving capitalization).
I got called a hacker once (hey, I have 110 avoidability, after all).
I got F6ed thrice (a level 77 at pig beach?).
I got thanked once (*glee*).


/find Broohinny

Broohinny: I was stirring… soup.
Iepiat: >.>
Iepiat: Hmm..
[arrow rain]
Iepiat: Does anything show up?
Broohinny: If “anything” includes your underwear, yes. [5]
Iepiat: GAH
Iepiat: I forgot to put on my crime fighting costume! [4]
Broohinny: YES
Iepiat: That’s better.

A beginner jealous of a ranger! ;D


/find Rokui

Rokui: Hey
Iepiat: D:
Rokui: D:
Iepiat: You’re always merchanting
Rokui: Not always
Rokui: <_>
Iepiat: >_>
Rokui: Alot, yes. But not always.
Iepiat: Pfft

Rokui: How is mSea? o-o

Iepiat on repotting in Broa

Scroll to Henesys (-500 mesos)
Taxi to Lith (-800 mesos)
Ship to FB (-1500 mesos)
Buy pots (-1,000,000 mesos)
Ship back from FB (-1500 mesos)
Scroll to Sleepy (-600 mesos)

Iepiat on repotting in Aquila

“I’ll be in the next channel sitting.”

No mesos lost.



Iepiat: <_>
Iepiat: >_>
SilverFx: PIAT~
Iepiat: Good afternoon.
SilverFx: good evening
SilverFx: *pounce*
Iepiat: I have arrow rain now, it’s addicting.
Iepiat: I’d write a blog about it, but it’s like 04:30 right now so I’m tired
SilverFx: nutter *bonks*
Iepiat: Shhh, I’m not tired. >.>
SilverFx: but you just said
SilverFx: >>
SilverFx: fine, you aren’t tired
Iepiat: Just too tired to write a blog 😡
Iepiat: I can’t stay on long, I must continue learning about eosinophils
Iepiat: and other fun stuff
SilverFx: o_O


-wakes up to study some more-


No one I know has read Wicked. Bleh. Vista hates Flyff. Bleh. No one has asked me for my copy of Catch-22 yet. Bleh.

Read, people. It’s good for you. :p

20 thoughts on “/find”

  1. Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy will bore you, seriously! D: Too bad I like military novels.

    Getting forced to take free stuffs is hard. . .

  2. Uhh, just a side note, after posting my previous message, from the point of ” He told me to meet him in channel, ” to the bottom of the blog, it’s struck through with a line

    o,O (Hoot? YaRly)

  3. Ack. I’m trying to find out what went wrong.

    EDIT: Looks like a strikethrough BBCode was added.

  4. Piat, why does Vista reject most games.
    EDIT: And even if it accepts it, it makes it laggy

    It makes the world emo

    Pfft, fine, I’m going to stalk you every single time I’m ever online, from now on.
    Or, hey, you could just add me to your buddy list.

  6. Aye, the Iron Hog killing squad.
    Saved my nub arse more than a few times when I was training there.


  7. WHAT?! Who escaped to Khaini?!

    /find vicelin
    /find vicelin
    /find vicelin


    , oh wait. Wrong username.

  8. I told you that Odaro wasn’t active anymore. . . ><

    Anyways, I sent you the item.

  9. I was busy this weekend. D: I had a concert and was spending time with my mom, brother, and sister-in-law; they came to visit me in this god-forsaken place called Iowa. D: Thanks for the Octopus Tail. XD

    Also, I’ve read Wicked, and I’m working on finishing Son of a Witch. Both are awesomtastic.

  10. I’m so jealous!

    And pfft, Rokui IS mostly always merchanting. At least when I try to stalx0r him. ;D

    *stalks peoples*

  11. ,

    /find my brain

    “‘Clarence’s brain’ has not been found. Go get a life.”





  12. Hey Allen, you need to invite me to your guild. And yea it was a shame that Vanya quit.

    -=The Nazgul=-

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