Korean Folk Town. ;]

[h]Korean Folk Town[/h]

Gah, sorry for not getting this blog earlier. Everyone has to sleep at SOME time of their lives, right?

Btw, please step away from all anvils and supposed, “grain” silos. It might be tempting to touch and fiddle around with the anvil, but er . . ., they are iron hot. Yeah, that’s right. IRON HOT!

[h]Rewind: Time before patch[/h] read more

KFTL Quests Bring Chaos, Not Peace

I wouldn’t call this a bad experience… But anyway.

I was happy when I saw the patch. I immidiately got to the ship to Orbis. On the ship, I made a new friend. We both went to Orbis Tower, used a Orbis Rock Scroll, got to Aqua, and got to KTFL or Korean Folk Tale Land…

We decided to split apart to check out the new KTFL.

…..I checked around the place and saw that the monsters were pretty tough, but I killed all the monsters. I decided to go back to KTFL and do some quests. read more

Anoying haxorz and a Gm visit = <3

—This is kinda about teh haxorz of the world —

Well i was in ludi ch 1 today just foolin around with a freaind of mine whne this guy wants to trade me some syt that i dont need *hes lvl 65 or so with grey eyes* After i tell him that i dont need anything he puuts on the Zakum helm!
And im all like zomg haxor and hes like NO IM NOT! *even though i know he was due to the zakum helm i decied to blow his mine with the grey eye thing to* So after were arguing about the zakum helm im like WHAT ABOUT URE EYES HUH?
And he says ” What about my eyes noob?” And i say There grey which menas theres no way u can reach lvl 65+ from feburay-april unless ure a haxor…*even though i sopose u cud if u like UBER grinded beyond repair* And hes says NO IT TOOK ME 6 MONTHS TO GET FROM 57 – 60! So i say thats not possible cause his eyes were grey!and that the grey eyes were jsut made as the default of all eyes febuary. so he keeps ranting saying how he didnt make the chare ter febuary it was 6 months ago! But i try to prove him wrong by showing him my brow default eyes and he still waont beleive me and keeps being a nub about it. So i say OKAY LOOK AT THIS LVL 92 SK RIGHT HERE BESIDE ME! HIS EYES ARE GREY! DO U SEE THAT? GREY DEFAULT EYES STARTED FEBUARY! SO HE IS A HAXOR BECAUSE THERES NO WAY U CAN GET lvl 92+ in just 2 MONTHS! And then ofcourse the DK starts ranting of how hes not a haxor either! *even though he throws on a zakum helm aswell trying to prove how un newby he was i guess -_-* SOO NOW IM BATTLEING THESE 2 NUBS! and then this lvl 120+ walks by with blue eyes * with the default blue eyes from b4 febuary* And i asked him how long has he had that charecter and he says ” about a year and a half now” And i tell him PLEASE TELL TESE GUYS THAT GREY EYES JUST STARTED FEB AND THAT THEY WUD HAVE –62+ blue default– –92+ brown– EYES! And he says yea they had that patch and made all the eyes the same now… And so these 2 are yelling at him to now talking about how there nto haxors~! SOOO after 4 mroe grey eyes 90+ and 100+ come up and 2 mroe Default blue and a brown eye legits coem up were all yelling and finly..ig et defamed like 4 or 5 times @_@ =( So im like fauk it no point in arguing with obviose haxor nubs and realize pretty much everyone in ch 1 had grey eyes and they were like lvl 80++++ And im like…cool…so…many./…haxors..*dies* THEN! AMAZINGLY i see a GM *no GM sighn but i rembered the name from ludi event last year* And im like hey mista Gm u do realize everyone of these ppl are haxors right? *we were in the hair solon were no one was lol* And he sasy O.O IM NOT A GM! * thoguh i knwo he is =P* And i sya please jsut answer wwhy arent u banning theese nub haxors? And he says cause we cant untill we actualy SEE them! im like *zcool it was the gm yay!~~* So i say what happend to Drakechipz anyway? *being he was a good freaind of mine along time ago* And he says He quit/got fired like almost a year ago! and i was like YA I HERD RUMORS and he was like yea well ill c ya around and left =( * I was trygin to take a screen shot but my freaind bob had took my pic button all wierd and now the pics are in a MS folder somwere in my comp were ill never find it lol thats IF they actualy took =( Cause my button dont work much either rofl…so uh..yea…thats my story! read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-two

¤ First Victory

Salmer winced on Aurora’s behalf as he saw her take the damage from Lakelis’ spells. ‘Why did she not duck!’ He hissed to Daedalus, frustrated.

‘She’s mad.’ Daedalus only returned in awe, as they both watched the two combatants spring back into action. Aurora and Lakelis were two blurs of white in the arena’s perimeters, now close together as they exchanged bolts, claws and spells, then far apart as each escaped and evaded the other’s attacks. read more

Jonathan (3)

Hey everyone! This is the third chapter of Jonathan, and I really enjoyed writing it. Hope you guys like it too.

Chapter Three

Jonathan awoke in a cramped, dark room. A single torch hung on the wall, and this lengthened the shadows of the room, and through the open door a hallway Jonathan could see. He attempted to get up, but his aching ribs would not allow it. Stryder appeared in the doorway. When he saw Jonathan was awake, he smiled.
“Young master Jonathan. You’re awake – excellent. How are you feeling?”
“I feel…alright,” said Jonathan, hesitating for a second when he hard how croaky his voice was. Jonathan came to give him a hand out of bed and once up, Jonathan could stand quite easily. He glanced into a rusted mirror on the wall and saw his own face, but harder. There was a long horizontal graze across his cheekbone that would probably leave a scar. He sighed. Then he followed Stryder down the long hallway.
Jonathan joined three surly looking thieves at the meal table, and a bowl of watery but warm soup was laid in front of him.
“You doing basic training?” spoke one of the thieves, a man with numerous piercings who continued to toss a large dagger into the air and catch it by its tip.
“I…don’t know…” said Jonathan, looking curiously at Stryder
“He’s starting today Riff” said Stryder. “The boy shows promise, judging from how he escaped from Lucy.”
The thief Riff widened his eyes and went back to his soup.
Jonathan stood in an empty sewer with Lucy. The room was roughly circular, and deep underground. The walls were unpleasantly damp, as was the floor. Jonathan was glad he was wearing boots.
“Here,” said Lucy, tossing Jonathan a short sword. “I have been told I must instruct you in short sword and dagger work, of which I am a master of. I will hopefully be able to teach you the great techniques of the most famous of dagger thieves. We will see. Now, begin.”
Jonathan had thought he would perhaps be able to hold his own, and maybe even get in a few nicks of his own. He had practised with a short sword in the four years since he had left his father. But then they started to spar – and Lucy was fast. She fought with a malice that Jonathan supposed had spread from the taxi incident. Several times he was nicked or cut lightly, but not once did he manage to touch Lucy. His frustration grew. Then his eyes widened as he saw her red dagger begin to shine white. Luminescence trailed from its tip. She was holding a bar of light that moved so fast Lucy’s hands could not be seen. Then he felt her dagger’s handle smash into his nose.
“You are SLOW! Disgraceful! Your arms are weak and your style pathetic. I do not wish to waste my time with someone such as you. I have never seen someone with less talent.”
Her dagger slowly returned to its natural colour as these words rained down upon Jonathan and blood from his nose rained down on the floor.
“Our lesson is over. I have seen enough. Back tomorrow – although it will be a waste of time.” Lucy said, her voice dripping with malevolence.
Next were lessons with the shuriken. Stryder was to teach this to Jonathan, and he was very excited. He liked Stryder, and had always thought shuriken were cool.
He stepped into the long, brightly lit sewer that was the shuriken training area. Stryder was there, tossing a single star up into the air and snatching it back again. He grinned when he saw Jonathan
“We commence shuriken training now. Here is your first set of stars, and a beginner’s glove. You’re already physically fit, so we won’t have to run through the boring arm exercises. Let’s begin with accuracy and then maybe move onto…techniques.”
Jonathan fitted the glove to his hand and examined the stars he had been given. They were simple metal, with four points but they were his. His own weapons. Jonathan promised himself he would learn to be good at shuriken no matter what it took.
The first star he attempted to throw at the target at the end of the sewer missed by a wide metre. He flushed, but Stryder steadied his hand. “Look. Think. Throw,” he said. Jonathan’s next throw was better – flying slowly but at least hitting the target. He grinned.
The practice went for hours, with Jonathan’s slow improvement evident. He hit the target every time, and was faster, but he still hadn’t hit the dead middle. He was sweating, his left arm ached, but it was brilliant. Finally he was learning something worthwhile. Then Stryder decided it was time to stop.
“Now you have improved your throw, it’s time to learn some techniques. There are two types of techniques when infusing shuriken with power – physically and with magical essence. In the next test, we will discover which of these you are inclined towards. Sit, please, and place one of your stars in front of you. Two hands on it, and remove your glove. Then focus on moving something of yourself into the star. It’s rather hard to explain, and should be found intuitively. It could take hours, or minutes. Begin.”
In the end, it took ten minutes. An unpleasant feeling spread through Jonathan’s arms, and he opened his eyes. The tips of his shuriken were glowing a blue-white. Stryder was grinning like a maniac. “Don’t stop!” he told Jonathan. “It may feel unpleasant, but what you are doing is quite correct.”
Jonathan couldn’t explain the process he had used to infuse the star. The feeling, he imagined, was rather like having string dragged through every vain in his arm simultaneously. The star was glowing completely now, an electric blue. “Stop!” said Stryder. Jonathan relinquished his hold on the star and its glow faded slowly.
“This is excellent Jonathan! You have a magical predisposition! We haven’t had thief who uses magical infusions since…Lucy. Strange. We will have to start you on more advanced techniques immediately. After that, the crafter’s quest will be imperative to your success. You are dismissed.”
Jonathan’s head was filled with buzzing thoughts. Magical shuriken infusions? And Lucy had the same sort of power as him? The crafter’s quest? It would all have to wait until tomorrow. Jonathan was thoroughly worn out. Tomorrow was sword training with Lucy again, and martial arts. Only time would tell what sort of thief Jonathan was going to become. read more

How many advils is “Too much”

Lol Hi again,
Well, i’m still sick X_x( I was sick on Sunday) and I’m going to school tommarrrow*Shakes fist at sky madly* . But yeah, anyways I’m getting off topic ;_;. How much would you consider to much advils ? Since sometimes I tend to take alot DX.I know it ain’t good for you but it does make you feel so much better @_@. And sadly my hermit and Dk got hacked last month. But I started a new Bandit ^^ I bought it some Nx before the REV. Sadly after the GG REV 1000, maple story isn’t working on this desktop. (;_. I sure hope once I get my Laptop back(hopefuly this week) it’ll work D:. But yeah Great day/night to you all.
PS how do i look ( i got 5k left what should I do with it?) read more

FoG Jerks.

FoG Jerks

Normally, you wouldn’t find jerks much, but in Forest of Golem, it is kind of an exception. I was leveling at flyeyes first, but I began to get bored after collecting 1600 flyeye wings. So I decided to go to back to Victoria Island and find a Forest of [/b]G[/b]olem Map to train in. I kept changing channels until I saw a channel with two people in it, one dragon knight and the other, a level sixty eight bandit. read more

Random Blog

Hello Maplers. I’m sure an introduction is unnecessary here, but just in case, for those of you that don’t know me… I am Fabian, formerly known as Max, formerly known as Veggie, formerly known as yoyoma. Fabian is my new name. This is to stop the confusion between Me and the other ‘Max’ on Scania, that seems to cause so much trouble and get everyone really ticked off. read more

Maple Love Fight

Well I haven’t made a blog since my last blog about 4 months ago titled “RAVEN’S BACK!!!!11@” I found that funny.
So I went toying around with Windows Movie Make and got really bored, so I made a youtube video.

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Song titles are in da credits.

Pic 1: Dunno, it made me look…god-like…something profound, I can’t explain it.
Pic 2: Level 60
Pic 3: “Longinus Spear”
Pic 4: “Medal of Valor”
Pic 5: My first time completing a Orbis Pq and this is what I get… read more