How many advils is “Too much”

Lol Hi again,
Well, i’m still sick X_x( I was sick on Sunday) and I’m going to school tommarrrow*Shakes fist at sky madly* . But yeah, anyways I’m getting off topic ;_;. How much would you consider to much advils ? Since sometimes I tend to take alot DX.I know it ain’t good for you but it does make you feel so much better @_@. And sadly my hermit and Dk got hacked last month. But I started a new Bandit ^^ I bought it some Nx before the REV. Sadly after the GG REV 1000, maple story isn’t working on this desktop. (;_. I sure hope once I get my Laptop back(hopefuly this week) it’ll work D:. But yeah Great day/night to you all.
PS how do i look ( i got 5k left what should I do with it?)

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