The Viper Strikes Next: Chapter 6

-=The Red and Blue Marbles Awaken=-

Not long after everyone had borded, the Southperry ship was on it’s way, calmly surfing through the light ocean waves. The water and the sky were at their bluest, as the day itself was calm and friendly. A sparse amount of clouds dotted the sky, and the bright sun glowed warmly over the world.

Any adventures who didn’t instantly get seasick were clustered about in groups, sharing stories of their time on Maple Island, as well as the great feats they would perform upon reaching their destination, Victoria Island. Many even talked about job advancements, including one pair of adventurers that had met not long before climbing aboard the ship. read more

She commited suicide…


I wish I was lying……. but I don’t even know….. if she was kidding……… I mean……. this was online….. *bump* but my heart…… these tears……. *bump* I………..feel……….. its…….reality…. read more

Hello all!

Hello. My name is Lithium. I chose this name because it is my favourite element! No, I’m not a science nut. It also is allocated to treat depression. So anyway, I’m new to MMOTales! Getting excited to meet you all! So write your name and a description of you! Oh, and I’ll be starting a new story line related to the hit TV show 24. It’s called: 24:The Maplestory Edition. So anyway, Later! read more


A little short story I wrote ’cause I was bored.

First series-es were the thing, then poems, then comics, and now shorts. Lol.


The sniper stood inside the El Nath entrance to Orbis Tower, crossbow at the ready. He kept playing and replaying his orders in his mind. Shoot the first monster that comes through this door. And make sure it hits. His brain turned the words over and over, until it was the only thing he could think about. read more

MagicalChryshalis, Chapter 1

As Yoshino and Rika reached the Mushroom town of Henesys, they instantly started collecting information about the deforestation of Perion. As the day finished Yoshino and Rika din’t find any useful information. During the cold, breezy night they set off to Perion, to search for information. When they reached Perion during the morning, they asked Blackbull about the deforestation. However Blackbull, the great elder of Perion, founder of Perion, knew nothing about it. read more


I’m happy

I’m in love

I’m alive.

Where, oh where, has IndigoLove been?
On Bellocan.
This blog will just merely generalize where I’ve been, seeing how I’ve been so detached from MMOT, THOUGH I LOVE YOU GUYS <3333 SERIOUSLY D8

I have this thing.
Like, a character thing.
I named her Frownly.

I created her on the day Bellocan came out, which was around the time that MMOT’s first “roleplay” of sorts died down.
I tried to level as quickly as possible, getting to level sixteen on the first day, and Kerning PQing within the first week.
By the three weeks, I had hit level thirty. read more

Wow, today I got 25k NX cash for FREE!

So yeah, today was a pretty AWESOME day in Bellocan for me! I got from level 21-24 on my new cleric and I’ll probably level again once or twice later tonight! I did a PQ and reported some hacker, and just grinded most of the day. But the highlight of my day was getting 25k NX cash for free!

I was listening to maple-radio (, awesome site! ) and they had this ad for “Gaming Lagoon” to get free NX cash. I was talking to some of the DJ’s on skype and they all said it works, so I figured I’d give it a try . For the FIRST TIME EVER I found a site online that pays off! I’ve NEVER gotten anything before, but I got my 25k NX Cash card for MapleStory today! They just emailed me the code so I didn’t have to wait or anything. It was awesome. read more