Finally, one friend back! 3/28/07

Finally! My friend Bao was unbanned since 3/28/07. He was banned for sharing accounts, I didn’t know how he got found sharing accounts. He played for like 2 years, right now, after he was unbanned, he got home and got on his account, and logged on. I saw him logged on, and said, “HI BAO!!!!!!!!!!” “Sup Steve.” One of my other friend Carol, was going to level, she was at FoG (Forest of Golem) and I was at ludi. I told her to wait for me to see her level to 90, and told her again that someone special is coming to see her level. read more

Aequus: _

Hey MMOTales! Yup I wasn’t dead for the past few weeks. *hears alot of “aww”s in the crowd* What ever. I ddin’t feel like playing games or writing. I wasn’t on Maple Story for like two months. Anyway I made a new story. So here it is.


Author’s Note:
The setting is in our world, but the location isn’t pinpointed on Earth. Places and street names will be made up. The time period is the present. Some concepts of the story have been borrowed from Full Metal Alchemist( read more

The Dark Sin Chapter 4

I don’t know much big words…So yea, there’ll be no big words until I learn. 😀 Hope you like this chapter. ~.~
The party which consisted of Dirge, Jack, Mike headed to an inn. The inn was old and beaten up. But they didn’t seem to mind. They were at the front entrance when they entered. As soon as they entered they saw old raggedy rugs. Broken and loose chairs. The counter had nobody. Nothing on it at all, except for dust and spider-webs.
“Looks like no one has been here for years. Guess we went to the wrong place.” Dirge finally spoken up for the first time when they entered the hotel. Jack continued to walk towards the counter. There he saw a beaten up old sign which states..’NO TRESPASSING’
“Guess your right.” Jack told Dirge as he set the sign back on the counter.
“Let’s get out then.” Mike said as he headed for the door. As Mike reached for the handle on the door, there was a sudden explosion. The quickly went outside to check what made the noise. There they saw the same Bandits they had encountered with at the forest, but this time there were only 3 of them. But to Dirge they were new. Quickly Mike and Jack told Dirge to drop coins in each ones hands. Mike hasted them and they ran off to do the errand. But this time, as Mike approached one of them, the Bandit leaned back and made a tight fist. He let go and slammed his fist on Mikes face. Mike flew back in a 360 spin. The rest did the same to Jack and Dirge. As they landed on the floor, the 3 Bandits charged at them and for the first time took out their daggers.
“They have Kandines?!” Dirge screamed in agony as one of them stabbed him in his arm, while he was trying to move out of the way. Blood streamed down his arm. The Bandit that slashed Dirge grinned, but quickly wiped it off as he fell down to the floor.
“Did you forget about me?” Mike asked the falling Bandit. Mike grinned almost the same as the Bandit. Then Mike yelled “You alright, Dirge?”
“Yea, I’ve taken worser damages” Dirge quickly replied. The remaining two Bandits were stunned to see Mikes speed. But quickly came back to reality as Mike turned his head backwards. They quickly moved into attack position. Dirge raised his arm where his scarab was held and took out two steelies. He raised it and positioned it for an Lucky seven. Dirge hasted his Jack while Mike hasted himself. Dirge jumped up and flash jumped behind a Bandit as Dirge land he uses lucky seven on both hands firing 4 steelies at the Bandit. Two of the steelies hits one of the Bandits in the head and the other 2 hits the other in the chest. But as the two steelies heads towards the Bandits chest, he quickly took out a town scroll, *Poof* he disappeared.
The steelies hit the tree with a loud thunk.
“Damn it! That bastard!” Dirge yelled.
“Well he got lucky. But the other two were not as lucky as he was.” Mike tried to explain to Dirge with his eyes laid on the two dead Bandits.
“SHYT” Mike yelled. His yell startled both Jack and Dirge. Mike pointed towards one of the Bandits. As Jack and Dirge turn their heads to face the dead Bandits, the time bomb read 0:00. *BOOOOOOM* Another explosion had sounded. The 3 friends flew, taking direct hit from the bomb. The bomb had knocked them all out cold. A dark man in a corner laughed menacingly as he saw what just happened. Dirge hit a tree and fell down to the floor instantly, rustling the tree leaves making them fall down towards him. Dirge got lucky however Jack and Mike were not so lucky. They kept going. Finally they hit the ground a few hundred yards away from Dirge. Blood came down Dirges forehead, under his Dark Identity. A few hours had passed since their incident. Finally Dirge awoke. But his vision was as blurry as ever. He turned his head right and saw the most beautiful women he has ever laid eyes on. She had blue hair streaming down her shoulders and her eyes were beautiful blue. Dirge could instantly tell she was a Cleric because of the green aura she was producing around Dirge. Dirge quickly sat up to see that his top, Scarab, and his Dark I.D. was off. He groaned in pain as his sat up.
“Careful! You shouldn’t be moving yet. You aren’t fully healed. It’s also wonderful that your alive from the impact of a hit that huge. The Cleric told Dirge, with a beautiful voice.
‘Huh?’ Dirge thought. “What do you mean?” He asked the Cleric as he looked down to his chest. There was bandages wrapped around his entire body. From his chest down to his waist. His eyes widen, but also groaned when the pain surged through him.
“You should relax more” the cleric explained to Dirge with a soft voice.
Quickly after a few thoughts, Dirge asked the Cleric “where are my friends?!”
“They’re fine, but you should really worry about yourself for now.” The cleric told Dirge trying to relax him. Dirge sighed with relief. Dirge layed down on his bed and closed his eyes. In an instant he fell fast asleep. The Cleric finished healing Dirge and went outside to stretch.
‘That guy…’ The Cleric thought, only to be interrupted by a fellow Cleric.
“Yes?” She asked politely. The Cleric was trying to catch his breath. And When he finally did.
“The Lord wants to speak with” he finally said. After that he disappeared.
‘What would the lord want with me?’ she thought to herself.
Comments please. ^-^ read more


Gib me caffiene~ Yea I’m bored and I don’t want to get on MS because I have to leave for school soon. Anywayz.

I tried OPQ last night, I dun like it 😡 it takes too much time, and papa pixie is a ho. We ended up having a hacker in our party too, who we didn’t even notice until we were probably 1/3 into papa pixie. So I go to leave party, had my mouse over the “leave party” button and WHAM! My comp lags again~ I was like..ho crap, BANZ?! So I log back in and I’m fine D: But yea, we had like…50 seconds left in pq too, because the sealed room took forever to do and we got kicked from it twice for taking too long 😡 so I got 5% exp and no prize. It was an ok distraction, but like most pqs, fails as exp gain. read more

Tainted Grace ~Prologue~

Well here’s another of Devvy’s take on story-writing. Enjoy =D


A lone figure trekked amongst the barren wasteland. Trudging carefully, the poor girl, not even in her adolescent years yet, barely darted past a mass of hazardous stones, their cold venomous glares aimed at her with much abhorrence.

The faint glow of her oil-lit lamp was all she had left to pressure her on. Gritting her teeth she told herself everything was going to be fine as she continued pursuing through the binding darkness. read more


[Notice] im going to shout off angrily about something i ONLY JUST saw..plz if u are niether of these people
dont read..thet top just read the bottom

LOOK AT THIS WHILE I SHAKE ANgrily in furiousness
*shakes furiously*
its from “make a coruped wish” or w/e

dee32693 : granted.
he’s deleted but he comes back under other names and forever spams you til you delete yourself out of insanity read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-one

¤ First Blood

I hate that blue-haired wench, the fairy girl thought furiously as she tugged on her magical gauntlets, feeling the spelled leather and steel of the gloves stretch and tighten familiarly over her hands and wrists before she flexed her fingers experimentally within them.

For this fairy girl, her opponent stood for everything that was wrong and completely unnatural. This girl was only a mortal! You could feed them, cloth them, treat them nicely (and of course, not as much as you would treat your fellow fairies), all that was just fine. Lakelis had no problems with being nice to inferiors. read more

Burst: Chapter 7

Ty finally reached building 114 and knocked half-heartedly upon the door. For a minute, no sound came from inside until finally, the door opened. Julie stood in front of him, her left hand rubbing her eyes. Suddenly she realized that her brother stood in front of her and fell upon him in a large hug. He smiled as he hugged her back, glad to see a familiar face. He was tough but certainly not invulnerable to the stress around him. read more

Training in Mardia

Well last night i worked hard and gained 5 Levels even though my goal was to get at least to level 14. instead i got to level 16, because I really wanted to get to level 15 for new equips, and new quests. So i decided to be stressed out by training among the flood of newbies there at HHG 1, training on the slime platform getting KSed by mages, a sin, 2 bandits, and a few random archers through the time i was there, not all at once 0.o read more