Burst: Chapter 7

Ty finally reached building 114 and knocked half-heartedly upon the door. For a minute, no sound came from inside until finally, the door opened. Julie stood in front of him, her left hand rubbing her eyes. Suddenly she realized that her brother stood in front of her and fell upon him in a large hug. He smiled as he hugged her back, glad to see a familiar face. He was tough but certainly not invulnerable to the stress around him.

After being led inside he collapsed on a fine leather couch that he was barely even able to appreciate because of a desire to sleep. His sister hid a laugh with her hand before going off to the kitchen, something she’d never seen before in her life before coming here, to fix him a glass of water. When she returned, his eyes were already closed and his arm hung limply from the couch. This time laughing aloud softly, she set the glass on the table beside where he now set. “Sleep,” she whispered as she walked away.

When Ty awoke, he found it mid afternoon. He sat up and scratched his head while gazing about the room. It is certainly beautiful, he thought. Upon finding no one else in the room, he wandered about the house and found no one still. Giving up, he began to head for the door when it slammed open and five young children followed by a girl burst in. He stepped back as he was overrun by the excited children and gave a wave to his sister. After putting a few bags down, she sat down on the couch. “You can’t hold out any longer,” she said excitedly. “How was it?”

Surrendering to both the children hanging off of him and the question, he collapsed upon the couch and began to recount the events that had occurred since they’d parted. Several times she screamed at him for being so reckless, oblivious, or some other undesirable trait. Finally, an hour later, he ended his recount of the fight and the entire story as well. The children sat on the floor, with a couple asleep but the majority staring at him with the utmost attention. A silence found its way into the room as each kept to their own thoughts for several minutes.

Ty sighed, and stood up. “I have to get back,” he said slowly. His sister only nodded and, with a wave, he was gone. While he made his way through the main building, he noticed that the stares directed towards him were quite different. Even though he still wore the same rags, the stares now showed less disgust while revealing more shock. How quickly a people’s opinion can change. Regardless, it was quite clear that he remained an outsider. While he would be respected, he would no be welcomed.

He entered into what he now knew was the R1 division’s dormitory and found many people look up once again. This time, however, they continued on with their actions straight through his entrance. Upon approaching his bed, he found a letter and a medium-sized case situated upon it. He was surprised it had been left undisturbed.

His hands opened the letter while his mind tried to guess the meaning of these objects. As soon as he opened the letter, he was presented with a problem: he could not read. He was indeed in quite a situation as he was did not want to hurt his reputation unnecessarily in its current state. Suddenly, an idea came to him. His eyes searched the room for a certain boy and fell upon the boy he had beaten earlier today. This boy could not make fun of his illiteracy; such was the case when one has lost to another. Whether one hated or respected his conqueror, he could not deny that they had proven themselves the better. He made his way through the room and to the boy who sat quietly on his bed in the corner. The boy looked up and Ty threw the letter down onto the boy’s lap, “Read this to me.”

The boy’s eyes widened in surprise but he read the letter nonetheless. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your first day here. Tomorrow someone will meet you at your dormitory’s entrance to show you to your classes and answer any questions. I have given you a small gift after hearing about today’s incident. Oh, and please put on the clothes provided for you tomorrow; I’m confident that they have been returned and won’t be stolen again.” The boy looked up and shoved the letter back at Ty.

Taking back the letter, Ty walked off. “Thanks,” he said as he made his way to his own bed. He dropped the letter onto the bed and took the case into his hands. The lid opened easily, and Ty’s heart skipped a beat upon seeing what was inside. There in the case lay a pair of incredible daggers. The metal blades shined brilliantly in the light of the dormitory and the ornately carved golden handles immediately attracted his attention. His hand glided over the gold and then steel thoughtfully. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

Erm, just felt like developing the relationship within the family-like arrangement between Ty, Julie, and the orphans. Anyways, I plan on moving this fanfic much faster than TBwL. This is mostly because he’s twelve and there’s a limited amount of things I can have him do at that age. Comment and click the button, pl0x. Oh, and leaves MMOTalesRP complaints out of this please.

5 thoughts on “Burst: Chapter 7”

  1. Grrr Very good story!

    Yay, im first! I will set the tone for everyone!


    The cat had 9 lives, so when it got ran over it lost one. So it only has 8!(read chapter 6 of this)

    So, my emoness is over, and HIPPOS FTW

    They smell good.

    Like lialx^_^

    Or maybe lavendar =P

    Have fun with the spacing and do not be antisocial!


    A smiley Crew =P


  2. What kind of . . signature is that. . .

    Why do people leave signatures. .

    EDIT: And “first post won’t really help here”. . . >.>;

  3. Uh.
    @UhohotsMe: A gift of a Question mark from me to you.

    I want them daggers. *sharp and pointee!*

  4. MMOtalesRP is. . .

    A great idea.

    You never said any compliments about it. =D

    Anyway, I’m glad you’ll be moving this faster.

    Fast story + regular posts= an extremely addicting read. =D

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