[Notice] im going to shout off angrily about something i ONLY JUST saw..plz if u are niether of these people
dont read..thet top just read the bottom

LOOK AT THIS WHILE I SHAKE ANgrily in furiousness
*shakes furiously*
its from “make a coruped wish” or w/e

dee32693 : granted.
he’s deleted but he comes back under other names and forever spams you til you delete yourself out of insanity

i wish vampire bunnies would take over the world.
03/28/07 + EDIT | PM | QUOTE | PERMALINK | REPORT Recent Blog: ANNIKABELLE I SAW yoooouuuu~!~!!~!~!

AxiomFable : Granted. But upon starting their mission, they wander into a magical carrot farm which stops their evil ways.

I wish dee32693 would be happier than he is now.
03/28/07 + PM | QUOTE | PERMALINK | REPORT Recent Blog: Last of the Shadow Foxes: 16 Gridlock

repty : [[ Lol , wonder if you said that because you read his blog like me ? ]]

Granted . He becomes happier . BUT – the rest grow sadder and sadder , YO , havent you heard of safricing oneslef before the group ?

I wish that my firend would coem online in msn now .
03/28/07 + PM | QUOTE | PERMALINK | REPORT Recent Blog: My life story

they have mistaken me for the most horrible of all cretures…
A GUY! A male!
omg nooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo

i wonder just how many other ppl think im a guy???
oh…the horror…
to be mistaken for..A GUY!
im. a. girl.
thank you very much.
ok now im laughing cuz i only just saw the hilariousness of it.
ok now to maplestory

ahh poor me. im starting to think that because i can hardly ever get on again(wireless connector is broken) i think my some of my buddyz deleted me =(
namely i think either tammie or anna have
these friends of mine are in high demand. ive been deleted from tammies once becuz he said sum1 told him i quit
ive been deleted frm annas..a bunch of times. i think im not as close to thm as i was before because they are all high lvl now and i lvl so slow. this saddens me alot =((
i even have one of my friends perpetually make new chars to, as he said,
“stay nooby with you”-
if u really wanted to hear stories of how i know just how impossibly slow i lvl(im sure you dont)
asketh and u shall heareth

well anyway i feels much better and
w8 this is hilarious
my brother somehow rubbed off his eyebrows
as i got over my shock i just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed!!
hes only 8 and dint know what he was doing
now he looks like edward scissorhands!!!
*rolls on the floor laughing*
[random sorry]

14 thoughts on “AXIOMFABLE and REPTY…YOU EVIL $%^&ers!”

  1. lol no im a girl
    i have boobies and a *someone in the backround coughs* to prove it

    ~Cheezy Nezziness

  2. they have mistaken me for the most horrible of all cretures,

    You do sound like a young boy (Lol? Not really. My bad.). And that comment was very rude. Sarcastic or not.
    Sorry, I take offense to it. XD

    Poor Edward.


  3. hmz. . . i wonder. . . how many boys have dee in their name(s). . .O_O
    lol i think most of this is random

  4. Comment, stolen!

  5. I can see why everyone thinks you’re a boy. To me, you’re a spamming idiot. I don’t care what gender you are.

  6. Man, didn’t TheReplaced get it right.
    Well SOOOORRY Dee!
    I was just trying to help you from your depressing point in your blog but noooo
    You had to get all agro and offend us (Me and Repty)
    We were just trying to help. We didn’t expect a medal but this is just uncalled for.
    Fine, be that way. If you’re stuck in a lowlife job and you’re broke, I won’t help.
    I’ll stare at you and laugh.
    When you get mugged or your computer crashes.
    I’ll laugh at your misfortune.
    When someone you loved died.
    I’ll rant on about it like you didn’t exist.

    Be that way.

    And by the way, I do not think girls are the most horrible of all creatures. I could explain it to you but since you feel that way – NO.
    Also, if you do not know the gender of someone, you automatically label ‘him’ until further evidence is obtained.

  7. I only assumed you were a girl because I have a real life acquaintance who insists we call her Dee.

    And with the eyebrows, you can’t beat my friend. Two years ago, we went on camp together. We had to live in a house for 8 weeks together, and we had the worst house; faulty equips, missing pots and pans and stuff, and just overall. . .stuffed up. Anyway, we had a griller, and to light it we had to strike a match, turn the gas on and do it the Bunsen burner way; i.e. match to gas = fire. It wasn’t working one day, and she ducked down and looked closely at the thingo, before trying again in that position. The flames came out and singed her eyebrows. ROFLMAO that was HILARIOUS; we teased her about them the whole time.

    Oh, and PS: I think you might have gone a bit overboard in this blog. Kindly make the contents more mature sounding pl0x. Kthxnbai.

  8. sorryguymature=not me
    extremely immature and idiotic with no grammar in written articles=me WOOHOO I WIN!

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