MMO Needs Siggys, i have an urge to show mine off…
Cause while ive been gone I’ve become much more literate, higher lvl, and advance my skills in editing =)
Monthly Archives: February 2007
A Hero’s Struggle Ch. 5
wow i am amazed!!!!
2 days of writing and I finished this chapter
a good chapter that gives you more mystery in the story
its also way shorter than the last one but not too short
chapter 6 will be out on Saturday
hope you enjoy and comment(come on lets FRONT PAGE this succka!!!!)(Blow someones mind out!!!)(Review: Better than James Bond I give this 3 thumbs up)(Aaaaahhhh!!!)
end of message…….3…….2……..1………wait dont blow it up or else the peoples won’t be able to read the story!!!!
Gemmy’s Rambling Continues
Okay. Where was I?
Ah yes. Kerning. Nothing interesting, but Mum did run into her friend there, who was finishing up quests with her Ice/Lightning Mage. They chatted a bit, while Sypherion and I just sat around waiting for them.
For someone so high levelled, Sypherion isnt the least bit hoity-toity, and has such a good sense of humor. In no time, we started commiserating about training, lousy item drop rates and everything else.
NoobishForce quits
I remember first creating NoobishForce in that hot june day of 2006. I have watched myself grow, from an islander whacking snails to a legend. I am satisfied with who I have become. The strongest beginner in Khaini, the first Khainian to hit the top 5 of any class ranking in the nexon site, a person who help ease Khaini of hackers. I met so many people on my journey. Some good, some bad, but so many will be part of my memory for so long. I will miss my true friends. The people that supported me in my worse moments.
So the right answer was….
…squids, apparently. An ice mage friend of mine told me that he talked to a fire mage who was happy about squids. So I gave then a shot, and, whattya know, they’re nice leveling at this point. I got to level 81 tonight, and have maxed Poison Mist as far as I’m going to. (28 points)
I’m not sure if I want to go for explosion or composition next. I think explosion so I have the mob skill. Besides, blowing up stuff is fun.
(Oh, and I can kill Gatekeepers by my lonesome now too! Well, if you can call poisoning them and running away until they’re almost dead “killing” Gatekeepers. Yay for poison mist! Misting sharks is also fun, though I died repeatedly due to a combination of sheer stupidity and the weekend lag. :3)
I just wish people would stop coming into my squids area and just.. STARING at me with that F6 look on their face. What? What’s so weird about a girl misting squids?! *f4, jumps off the top ledge in the FM repeatedly until she dies* Just kidding. I still want to know why I get f6’d so much. :
oh jeez hehe.
hey guys. i bet most of you dont remember me, but im chicken. anyone remember? just saying my regards, ever since i quit ms haha.
The Maple Odyssey- Chapter Six
Finally, Darka complained. Well then, what do we do now? Tiffany blinked a few times, then said, What happened back there?
Mm.. That woman, her names Valerie, she poisoned the food and turned us into animals..
Why would she want to do that?
Uh.. long story.. Lets just say that shes not too happy with anyone associated with me, Ron, and Hung, since we, er, killed her lover.. As for her motive for doing that to everyone else, shes probably gone nuts and kills every male that lands on her island as some sort of act of vengeance.. And then she takes whatever riches they might have on their ship.
You guys did WHAT?!
No, no! Let me explain! Her lover was Prince Ronald, remember that fatass?
Him?! UGH, THATS DISGUSTING! Never mind then.. Darka? Darka? You there?
So, anyways. I finally decided to start doing all those quests I still had to do on my archer. And then I level up from doing the mushroom/ayan quests. So right after I’m done all the quests, I run down to lith to pick up the jeans for my archer. and then I find out that my archer build has screwed me over in terms of armor AND weapons. So I’m rull pissed. I decide to play my warrior, and I level up on that after leeching with the hundreds of others still leeching off of the hack at henesys hunting grounds(ch1). I get bored once again and I start a mule that I decided I’d use later. I get him off of maple island, neglecting to do any of the quests, just using all my mesos on pots. And the I get him to level 13. I called him “burngasoline” after a song by audioslave. And that is all.
Oh golly! A rarity!
That refers to this blog. Not an in-game item or anything. Me not having written blogs in quite a while and not having written many at all surely would classify this as a rarity, no?
This should have set the case somewhat straight and now half of the readers should already be bored of what I’m typing, so they can just move on, press the back button, or whatever you feel like doing to get away from here.
You no Underztand?!
Zon day I vent to a big hotel in Kerning zity. In ze morning I go down to eat breakvast. I order 2 pizzez of toast, the vaiter zhe only bring me zone pizz. I tell her I vant two pizz, zhe zay’z “Go to ze bathroom”, I zay “You no underztand?, I wanted to pizz on my plate!” and zhe zay’z “You better not pizz on ze plate you zon ov a b****!” I don’t even know ze lady and zhe called me a zon of a b****.