Oh golly! A rarity!

That refers to this blog. Not an in-game item or anything. Me not having written blogs in quite a while and not having written many at all surely would classify this as a rarity, no?
This should have set the case somewhat straight and now half of the readers should already be bored of what I’m typing, so they can just move on, press the back button, or whatever you feel like doing to get away from here.

Now then! Onwards! With the blog, that is.
I’ve gotten my little Scarlet to level 67 and his way to Chief Bandit-hood is slowly (keyword: SLOWLY) emerging from the mists. Funny enough, Steal seems to have become a nice investment of skill points. It usually drags out an extra boundle of money from the monsters and not so much items though. But it’s a nice little finisher move to have.

What else has happened since my last blog?
Ah yes. We changed our guild name to Section9 (inspired by GitS) and we’ve gotten quite a few new members (and lost a few old ones to). So far noone has left as a direct result of my in-game insanity, which our leader sees as a great progress in either the new members being more accepting or me being less insane (the latter being completely out of the question).

And then we have Zombie MushMom. Yes. I love her just as much as I love MushMom. I friggin’ hate them both.
I keep killing them and killing them and help them out of their miserable lives! Why won’t they thank me with a nice drop for once? (Oh c’mon. They have to be miserable. They get hunted constantly)

Do I have anything else i really feel like sharing? Yes. Constantly dropping, inventory-filling, useless, ugly, good-for-nothing, takes-a-whole-goddamm-space-for-one, STUPID chocolates are screwing up what little training i might have been able to get done.

Anything else? Nope. Good. Thank you.

~¤ Scarlet ¤~

ps: I’m sick with a virus infection and my holidays just started. I’m left with absolutely nothing to do and that’s the real reason for this blog. Hope you enjoyed it ^_^

5 thoughts on “Oh golly! A rarity!”

  1. Chocolates?


    I slipped some poison into a couple of chocolates.

    Hope Ganzi, Quangie and Destie enjoyed them.

    When Mushmom gives you a rare drop, go into Free Market and jump around shouting ” I <3 MUSHMOM! I <3 J00 FOREV4! HUZZAH RARE DROP11!11″


  2. Mmmm. Chocolate >:D
    I got some chocolate on Valtentine’s Day. I even got chocolate left from Christmas. I’m stocked for a while. Mmmm…


  3. Poor you, I was fighting MM with my friend (well I was just take for fun) and a priest comes and KS-es us and it dropped a scroll, Never found out which scroll it was though


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