Cheezy n’ Jay~Best of Friends :D

Well I wouldn’t neccesarily believe the title but we’re tight. This is my 1st experience with an MMO’er on MS and I thought a blog would be perfect to celebrate this most joyous of occasions! 😀

Ok, first thing’s first. Or second, I can’t remember. The pics are of me encountering the wild and elusive HeeroJay.
Pictures 1-4 are all of our chat. The first encounter is always the wildest! read more

I hate GameGuard.

So, after a loooong absence I tried to play Flyff since I had some time off. It patched, then GameGuard goes, “zomg this is a default error, f00l. j00 cannot play, haha, pwnz3d!” and exits. RAWR!

I frantically search the forums to find other people are having problems with it too, and found another person who had the same problem. It was looking like I’d have to reinstall (ugh), but then I decided, well I’ll reboot then restart the game and see what happens. Lo and behold, it let me in! But by that time it was so late, I had to go to bed so I never got to play. (T_T) read more

Hair Coupon Scene 2

Sigh…another mule..another bad haircut…As you have read, in hair coupon scene
(if you haven’t….
My theif got a bowl haircut…
Yea well guess what?!…About a week ago…i was on my archer,whiteangelsz…and my friend..once again..shrimpsin0…was with meh….. read more

Hey, I actually did something today!

The title says it all. If you came here expecting to ready something, then too bad. I’m done here! Get out!

I’m just full of it. I’m not going to leave ya hanging. It’s not nice to do that. But enough of this pondershosh; it’s time to talk about what I did. Not you but me. This is my blog. Not yours. MINE.

I started the day at 72%. I joined HeeroJay’s guild and made a blog about it. You guys should totally check it out.
link read more

GOT to stop…

“[insert name here] has WAY more ‘likes’ than [insert name here]!”

So what? Likes aren’t popularity, nor does it get you more friends/attention. It is only to emphasise the fact that you liked their blog. They put effort into it, you make them feel good about it in return. Or maybe, they wrote a story you enjoyed. Congratulations for them, but don’t go off, holding popularity contests. You could even make some bloggers, that try really hard (and aren’t on a certain list of achievers), feel left out, or hurt. read more

V-Day gifts 4 picky girl=not good enough

[MS-Off Topic]

For Valentine’s Day:

I have come to realize that a picky girl will never be satisfied with the gifts guys buy her. Most of the time, you don’t know b/c she pretends to like it (but starts acting cold to you). Here are my reasons with a lot of joke scenarios that are sometimes true.


– Scenario 1- You buy her a box of chocolates to show her that you’re romantic and she gets mad at you for trying to fatten her up and that she’s on a diet and “how could you!” read more

The Confused Philosopher (2)

Are 10% scrolls ever worth using?

Mages have “Thunderspear” and bow/arrow attacks, and Archers and White Knights both have elemental attacks. Also, Chief Bandits and mages copied “Magic Guard/Meso Guard” and “Explosion/Meso Explosion.” So who’s the REAL wannabe?!?!

The umbrellas can’t stop archers from KSing newbs with “Arrow Rain,” can they? read more

Why must this keep on?

Well, as I have heard it from my own friends (if not, then too much) hacking is fun….

Every single day they try to get me to start hacking (well one of them). BUT! His attempts fail. Everytime I tell him that it’s wrong no matter how he sees it, he says that he also helps those in need. Now, let’s face it, I help people, and I help them by sacrificing my own money and time to do so. I do not need hacking to help others, and neither should he. He should see that there is no good excuse for hacking. The other day though, one of my friends got banned, but for a month, which pained me inside because I thought that this was being too nice on Nexon’s part. read more

Hey, what’s the lunatic Cheezy up to?

Well, for today in MS I’ll… *interrupts to talk about something more important*

There was a reported bomb threat at our school today. There was another threat last week so we had to evacuate to the church. (saying the church makes it seem like there’s only 1 in the whole town and that I live in some crazy little hick town in the middle of nowhere;that’s not the case, I’m just referring to it as our temporary evacuation spot if something does down, hence the the) We just got to leave school early this time. I think it was Garret the Goat who did this all… read more