
Hello again.

I’m bored.

MapleSEA is undergoing a server check.

Extended till 5pm. Maybe more, seeing that the underwater internet cables got totaled in the earthquake in Taiwan.

Fenrir said: “RuneScape?”

Accidentally deleted Java. So no RuneScape.

Fenrir said: “Battleon?”

Limit gone over. No AQ either.

Fenrir said: “FlyFF?”

Hey! Good Idea! *goes to play FlyFF*

This blog which has no relations to any MMORPGs or whatsoever, is made by Fenrir and his alter ego, who has returned from his holiday in Iceland.

No more requests please.

I’m sorry to say thisT_T, but no more requests please.

I will show you why.

List of requests.


After seeing this list some of you might be wondering “why don’t you make one everyday?“.
I would like to do that. . . but unfortunately I can’t. I don’t know if you forgot or not, but I go to college and mostly I’m busy with projects. This way I can only make 1 or 2 drawing(s) per month or when you’re lucky 3-4 drawings a month. read more

Pok Gai and PQ’s

Today I started the morning with power leveling my friend (Nei-san)’s character, Kirara90. The night before, I had killed her in the attempt to kill my friend Tiger (Yes, his real name is Tiger. >__>”) by summoning 8 bags of Toy Trojans and Aliens on him. (He asked me to!) Too bad he didn’t die. xD

After getting Kirara to 88% and finding Blood Sneak Pants (w00t! Go me! >____>”). I whispered my friend Litty-chan about the drawing she requested. I’m happy she liked it! (Even though it looked nothing like her character or the CS screenie she sent me! >__<“) read more

Self Prophecy – A Poem

*sighs as he re-posts poem for the third time*
I’m really, REALLY pissed off at the Internet, in general, right now.

Self Prophecy

The optimist puts seven scrolls
Onto his Staff of Arc.
He says, “They’ll work, of course they will” —
The first goes up in sparks.
“The other ones won’t fail me though!”
And each remaining scroll leaves a mark.
The mark ‘+1’ that means success.
“Just like I thought,” he remarks. read more

For the first time, it works.

Okay everyone, I can’t seem to finish one single story. From “Choose between me or her” to “Why won’t you understand me” to “The life of a princess” to “destined to be”

Although all have made it to the front page, I just couldn’t find the motivation, or the inspriation to carry on.

I have completed a WHOLE STORY. not just ONE chapter, but the whole story!!!
*hears crowd cheers* read more

Royal Betrayal – 8

They walked though the barren area without a sound, dispatching any creature that came in their way.

They stopped a few miles before the entrance. Sitting down for a quick break, they went over their plan again.

“So. We are going to both walk in the front entrance. You are to use your cloaking. I will change back into civilian armor. After that, we go to my father’s castle, in the middle of the city.” read more

Maple Riddles – Part 2

Maple Riddles – Part 2!

Bog 1 Answer:
1. Red bird was green bird’s father.
2. 200 lbs.
3. N T
4. Alpahbetical Order
5. S

Points from last blog:

Kariguru: 3.3
Veggie: 1.75
Assassinated: 1.5
Ganzicus: 1
Notbaldlikeu: 0.5
Aaru: 0.3

Once again, writer’s block has broken my right side, so I bring you my left.
Answer these riddles quickly but carefully, some of them are mind-twisters. read more

A Special Message :: Hacking

Cheating in online computer games is a broad category of activities, all of which are generally regarded as modifying the game experience in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage over the other players. Depending on the game, different activities constitute cheating, as it is often a matter of consensus opinion.

Cheating exists in all multiplayer online computer games. While there have always been cheat codes and other ways to make single player games easier, most developers attempt to prevent it in multiplayer games. With the release of the first popular Internet multiplayer games cheating took on new dimensions. Previously it was rather easy to see if the other players cheated, as most games were played on local networks or consoles. The Internet changed that by increasing the popularity of multiplayer games, giving the players anonymity, and giving people an avenue to communicate cheats. read more

The Smart-Arse Nuub Scene 2.

Hehah! Got another one down on my plater. And since I got rid of my writer’s block due to the blog from yesterday about that nuub….I wonder what it is called… Oh yeh! The Smart-Arse Nuub. I hope you will find it very stupid and or, funny. or stupidly funny. Or funnily stupid. or whatever. Or whatever was said in the last one. X’s 3 x 4. Yeh. You got it now.