Royal Betrayal – 8

They walked though the barren area without a sound, dispatching any creature that came in their way.

They stopped a few miles before the entrance. Sitting down for a quick break, they went over their plan again.

“So. We are going to both walk in the front entrance. You are to use your cloaking. I will change back into civilian armor. After that, we go to my father’s castle, in the middle of the city.”

<When we first went over this plan, I thought Perion would be lightly defended. You made it seem so sim–>

“Doesn’t matter how heavily defended it is. My father will probably let me in. I still am his son. Then again, I could always knock the guards out.”

With a sigh, Stars just looked into distance, staring at the stone fortress that was Perion. <Let’s go.>


About 2 miles before they reached Perion, they heard a scream. The scream was shrill, and apparently was not too far off.

Stars and Night both ran towards the source of the sound.

A girl was being trampled and tackled by stumps. She was already covered in bruises, and her eyes fluttered, hanging on a thin thread of consciousness.

Stars flicked a star from his new set of steely directly at the creature diverting the creature’s attention. As it turned towards Stars, Night popped up behind it, savagely attacking the beast and felling it in 2 hits.

The rest of the creatures now turned towards the pair. The girl slumped to the ground, forgotten. The creatures started towards them swiftly. Stars punched the creature with his steel weapon, knocking the creature senseless, enough for him to move off towards another creature. As the creature fell out of daze, it fell to the ground, dead, and Night jumped away.


The pair pulled the girl upright. Her clothing seemed to represent that she was a thief as well. Taking some of the wood from the creatures, Night started a fire and took out bottle of potions and packets of food.

<Looks like we can’t make it to Perion today.>

“No.” Night replied, staring intently at the girl.

<So what do we do about her? We can’t bring her with us, she’s only going to be a burden.>

“We can’t leave her here, with those creatures.” Night said, not taking his eyes off the girl.

<She’ll manage.>

“Did you see what those creatures did to her?!” Night cried out, nearly waking the girl.

<Did you find a weapon?> Stars asked, hoping to divert the conversation.

Night didn’t respond, only pulling out a set of Mokbi and a Adamantium Igor, battered and muddy.

2 thoughts on “Royal Betrayal – 8”

  1. AzNxKnife said: “I thought that he was a bandit with a Reef Claw.
    Nice story 10/10.”
    <Did you find a weapon?> Stars asked, hoping to divert the conversation.

    Does this explain it to you?

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