The guys comment at the end : “seriously, i stand in line for 18 f**king hours so a douchebag can come out here and smash it and then ebay his f**king 2nd unit.”
Monthly Archives: November 2006
My last PQ
It was my last PQ. I’m extremely proud of myself for coming this far. Leveling so much on PQing alone. I’m proud of all the PQ members I teamed up with and, in result, became friends with.
I look forward to the Ludibrium PQ, for I hope to make more friends, and to have more fun. I really hate grinding, but it seems I must to get to level 35. Even though it is unlikely I will be recruited at level 35, I hope I am accepted sometime soon.
Anarcho-Maniacs: Prologue
I’ve always thought about writing a story but was devoid of any idea that would make a proper story. Eh, so I thought I’d take an idea I had for a manga which i wanted to make and I wrote a prologue for it. Makes things easier to put into graphic novel form.
Anyway, the point of this is that it shows the “master plan” being initiated that brings the whole world into anarchy; Bavarian Illuminati style (not the ones from Dan Brown books)!
3 slot 6 int icarus
CokeF Story Chapter 1 part b (note)
Sorry all, im not going to write for 2 days, Ive gotta tell Mizura nuthin’s the big deal. Ima tell her to be strong.
But. I’ll write a bit.
Kizatachi lvl 56 Thief (Bandit) 4
Imppala lvl 46 Thief (Sin) 3
Tidal Snov lvl 17 Beginner 3
Leaves Home lvl 18 Swordsman 3
Fenrir lvl 25 Archer (sniper to be) 4
cokefannie lvl 27 Archer (Hunter to be) 4
Passion’s Soul: Rest Break Between Acts
Zomgbugergod, Im finally writing this again. Cept this time around, no angst stuff. ^_^
Laklyn will be more me, haha. For once >.>
Laklyn: You little idiot, I am you.
Shatred: I can control you, buhahahaha.
Laklyn: You can try, but I wont guarantee anything, missy.
*puts gag on Laklyn*
So sorry for that little interruption. My story writing skills have gone FAR down the drain, so this chapter will be crap. Trust me, Im the one who wrote it.
While i was playing MS
While i was playing MS i got attack by a Toilet Roles… it was so weird. All these little toilet roles started throwng toilet paper all over me and started jumping ing on to me. I got a picture of them to.
Bandit’s Sin: Coda, Chapter 1
Before I get lynched, lets just say some things.
Here is a chapter. Its been so horrifically delayed owing to a machine that eats this thing I have called free time, a machine that is built of parts called projects, French homework, exams. Yeah, its the machine of school, some evil creaky thing chasing me around and EATING MAH FREE TIME. D< Fortunately now exams are OVER (mostly), which means the ultimate happiness and joy that is freedom.
Ludi Hates Me (Thanatos too)
I got reallyyyyy far by using just a few pots in ludi, made it to Thanatos
MMO Tales Controversies
Well, I just want to mention this to all of MMO Tales, even though it may not make sense.
I’ve been around since July/August, when things appear to go well. Blogs about everyone’s adventures, fan fictions, and drawings were found all over the site. Then quite some time later, the controversies began. Some people began to “rant” about the site; some asking why aren’t people noticing them, why some people can get popular with their own blogs. It was then the quarrels began, and people started to move out of the site for good.