Smash my ps3!!!!

The guys comment at the end : “seriously, i stand in line for 18 f**king hours so a douchebag can come out here and smash it and then ebay his f**king 2nd unit.”

7 thoughts on “Smash my ps3!!!!”

  1. wow, how about waiting a month to get yours hmm? It cost alot now but in a few months it be 100$ ppl are so stupid ot buy it now and not later ” ohi got to be first omg omgomg” who gives a fly if your first your still getting one.

  2. #1 – Anybody who says getting a jump on new systems is pointless, they’re wrong. The only reason I didn’t camp out for a Wii AND a PS3 was b/c my parents think videogames are the devil, and also find it stupid. Let me get one thing straight, I don’t even like the PS3. But those suckers are going for thousands on ebay. ‘Nuff said.

    #2 – Once again, I don’t like the PS3, I may even go as far as to say I hate it. It’s poorly designed, overpriced, and entirely graphics dependent for sales. What I hate even more though, is idiots who destroy video game consols. I hate them. All of them. I am a gamer, through and through, and even if I don’t appreciate a system, I know there’s someone else out there who will, and that makes it wrong to smash one. This idiot was just showing off, if he really had beans, he would have sold it online, and given the money to charity. That would be the cool thing to do. This just made him look like a moronic neanderthal.

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