Tomorrow I will get married =)

Well tomorrow (well technically today) I will get Married (look at my other blogs) well let’s dont get any further here is the date:

Day: 1st of August
Hour: 9:30 pm (EST) 1:00 am (GMT)
Server and Channel : Scania ~ Channel 12
ING: Gratie

Feel free to assist ^^ It will be an honor =)

Oh for doubts and questions, MP me, whisper me at game (gratie) or add me to msn “[email protected]” ^^ read more


Sorry about my stories. I’ve gone done to the point of depression. Maybe its the mood swings I’ve been experiencing o.O.

Anyways, I’ve got a new idea for a story, but the other one will continue. Stay tuned!

Propellers and worn out goggles

Once again i need many of them and i cant find them >.> so idont know if you can do this but I am on broa and im buying them for 500 mesos each.I need lots so dont like come up to me with 1 lol >.> If you have a LOT i will give you more per goggle and propeller. so yeah

And im looking for nep honey or a bone helm and cant seem to get that either. So looking for them as well read more

Drifting Dimensions -pt7

Yeah sorry for the delay, you know me, busy busy lazy lazy. You guys know the drill. This chapter is a love-it/hate-it situation, depending on your views of the game I’m introducing a crossover for, my other favorite online game… more about that later. So, without any further ado, chapter seven.

Riella wiped at her eyes again, and picked up Blast’s wizard wand, that wasn’t good, it hadn’t made it into the portal with him, and he would no doubt be missing it. His rucksack was there too, could he even survive without any items or magic? Magicians never were the roughin’ it types. Slipping the wand and her communicator back in a pocket, under plates of armor, Riella bottled up her woes to stand and turn to face the soft footsteps on the plastic behind her, who she saw was far from anybody she would’ve guessed. The bandit stopped walking a good ten paces away from her, to return his dagger to a large sheath at his waist and regard her carefully. She didn’t give him any longer than that.
“Shard!” she roared, rushing in, “your guild is responsible for this!” she growled, slashing out at him with her Traus. The bandit had his dagger out again in a flash, blocking her blow with the hilt of the blade, and stepping back out of reach.
“Hang on, I-” he tried to begin, but she lunged at him again.
“You’ll pay for my friends and your crimes!” she raged, slashing and thrusting forward as he dodged back, to the side, again and again, but to no avail, he was too fast.
“Can I get a word in here, I just-” Riella had jumped back to grab a weapon of greater range, and Shard stepped back as she hefted the Red Sign for a swing.
“Hey, hang on! Put me down!” it protested, as she swung it off her shoulder with force, the bandit ducking, then jumping, then darksighting to avoid beheadment. Appearing beside her to wrench the unhappy sign from her hands, and slam it down upright beside him, he raised his dagger again to hold her sword back from his face. read more

omgomgomg kms!!!

maplekorea is awesome. im training on a X2 exp server which will remain X2 for a month >.> its cool. weird thing about maple korea is that …welll the equipment is weird. lvl 45 staff in mapleglobal is lvl 35 in korea -_- one of the screenshots is when i was lagging =O

About impulsive remarks. . .

Well, I was at Basil Market yesterday, reading random threads, when I saw a strange thread there, stating something among the lines of “Which do you prefer; Parents or Maple?” The thread itself was quite interesting, however, the point of this is how ignorant many people are when reading something that is “so-called” ridiculous to “real” human nature. To this, I myself think that my parents are so much more important to me than Maple is, and please read this whole blog before you even think of posting some sort of mindless flame towards this. Now please read on for this. . . lecture. read more