All posts by sicboy23401

Pirates in KMS!

Yea. About the Pirates in KMS, they’re pretty cool. But they really suck in like damage. I don’t know why a lot of people want to play as a Pirate. It’s really.. boring. >_<

At first, I thought it would be like really cool and stuff. And it was… for a while. The gunslinger can attack really fast, but their damage sucks like hell. I was doing like 200 dmg with double shot at lvl 19. And the damage is really unstable so I would hit like 50 damage once then hit 200 then 100. The infighter is also unstable. Both jobs really suck unless second job which I was too lazy to get to. With second job, both infighter and gunslinger become really stable and have really cool attacking moves. read more

korean ms

=( im getting lonely in kms. is anyone korean and can play kms plz contact me. im lonely *cries in corner* and look at some few screenies. im lvl 37 XD and havent been taking lots of screenies so far XD

black tubes

<<< check it out. i found one from a vac hacker. one from lvling to 32 and another one when i lvled from lvl 32 to lvl 33 -_- im currently lvl 34 =( i wanna wear my dark mattty =D and i do not hack =D i got them from double drop from krips in kms