All posts by zacks

My Maplestory Life-1

Hiiex. I just want to share my Maple Life with you guys. I started out with MapleSEA which I downloaded out of curiosity with all my cousins playing it, I decided to give it a shot. I couldn’t think of a better name so I went with Khairiul1..My FIRST maple character. Basically, I didn’t know what to add on my stats. I thought of everything. Obviously my first character was messed up . Currently its level 40 Cleric. I made some very excellent friends in that character. One of my BEST friends in Maple was MagicSean. She is now not active and hardly leveling!! I MISS her so much!!! Known her since she was level 30 and I was a complete noobie. LOL. So she trained me and and we leveled together but at that fateful day she told me she had to go to college somewhere in Malaysia. SO SAD =(. She promised to log in once she returned home. But that never happened. =(. It was about a year ago. You guys can check at MapleSEA rankings. MagicSean level 47. =( read more

Kerning PQ!!

Hi All!

Just had a good PQ with a rocking party!!! We did more then 4 PQs in a row without waiting. WHOO! So I just wanna blog about my Kerning PQ. Some pictures uploaded. Well, this is an exaple of excellent PQ party!!!

Screenshot 1 : MagicxWiz .. Me!!
Screenshot 2 : RockQUEEN, my leader!!
Screenshot 3 : BlindDrag0n, fellow member.
Screenshot 4 : Dimo, another member!
Screenshot 5 : My whole party!! read more

Adventures Of Maple Priest Part 7


As I slowly regained consciousness, I remembered everything and scanned the room. The girl was standing in front of me. I quickly put on my Oriental Fury Coat and took my Kage. I used Shining Ray and knocked her against the wall. I shot some Holy Arrows to keep her pinned to the wall. I glared furiously at her and used 2 Shining Rays to knock her out. I got ready to leave the room and looked at her face. “Pathetic,” I thought and I slapped hard her unconscious face and she started bleeding. read more

Adventures Of Priest Maple Part 6



As we were walking towards the Gym, the bowman, whose name was Arrivard, told me all about his life while I was admiring the beautiful paintings. When a horrible painting caught his eye, he asked me,” Hey,you think i should destroy this ugly,horrible painting?” ” E-erm..,” before I could say anything, He took out his Olympus and shot a series of Strafes at it. I look horrified. I thought it was an antique painting. I quickly took a dusty, wooden wand that I had spotted at a corner and muttered a few repairing spells that I had learnt at my pre-school. There was a sparkle around the broken painting and it was fixed and I put it back into the right place. read more

Adventures of Priest Maple Part 5



As we were setting off, I saw the other characters wearing their new clothes and weapons. I decided to follow them. Grendel accompanied us all the way to Sixtopia and bid us farewell. He had reserved a special ship especially for us. He guaranteed that no Crimson Balrog was powerful enough to penetrate the shiny,majestic bubble-like shield that covered our ship. All of us were surprised and pleased with the 1st class treatment that we thought that might have cost over 100 million mesos. I relaxed in my cabin as I drifted asleep dreaming of the unexpected adventures that we were going to confront later… read more

Wondering what the book monsters in SEA?

Well, I just found this.

• National Holidays Bonanza! 08/08

Dear Maplers,

In light of the National Holidays celebration, MapleSEA have released specially designed Face Masks to spruce up the patriotic spirit.

To obtain a specially designed Face Mask, you would need to purchase a Piece Of Cloth from the Cash Shop and proceed to converse with the Maple Administrator. Your Piece Of Cloth will be instantly replaced with a beautiful Face Mask, and you are ready to spread the festive cheer to other Maplers. read more

Adventures of Priest Part 4


In the letter, Grendel also mentioned that we had to go to Ellinia Library to collect our weapons to help us kill the White Shark. I hesitated to tell my wife as I was worried that she would be worried. I at last decided to tell her. Her expression was unclear as I told her. When I asked her how she felt, she said that she was thrilled. We had to prepare for our journey to Orbis and then to Victoria. We packed our things and got ready to leave. As usual, I put my Dark Ritual and Evil Wings as backup weapons in my backpack and wielded my Kage. read more

Adventures of Priest Maple Competition


I hoped you all enjoyed reading my story. Now, I need some ideas for the next part. Refer to link for the continuing of the story. And, add your friends name in the continuing chapter and put them into more blood and danger! MUAHAHA! What are you waiting for? Start sending to me by my MMOID Mail!!

Adventures of Priest Maple Part 1

This is my 1st time writing a blog and please put comments!

It was a sunny day in the toyland of Ludibrium.

“Ahh, Good morning dear,” I said to my wife as I entered the kitchen in my dressing gown. “Good morning, did you have a good sleep?” my wife asked enthusiastically. “What time will we be leaving for my first hunt for monsters in Aqua Dungeon?” she asked me excitedly. ” 12.00 noon dear, and I have a present for you,” I said smiling. “Ohh what is it??” she asked. I handed her a wrapped Gachapon ball. She screamed when she opened it and saw a Dark Ritual inside it. “What a great present!!!!” she exclaimed. She stared at her old and dusty Evil Wings and happily thinking of now that she can use her Dark Ritual. read more