
(I finally learned what “wb” means, and then they throw this at me.)


According to the wonders of Google, it stands for “as far as I know”. –As in, “AFAIK, ‘@’ in ‘leetspeak’ transliterates into ‘A’, and so does ‘4’,” or, “MM respawns about 45-60 minutes after she’s killed, AFAIK.” It’s mostly used as a disclaimer. People who are not sure about their statements’ factuality use AFAIK to tag their posts and statements. I’m not saying that all acronyms are bad. Even / use afk, wb, and certain acronyms which help express my anger. read more


Ever noticed the mapletips say not to cuss when shumi occasionally says CRAP!! I Lost my money. And when a dog is above level 10 s/he occasionally says I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!

I am disappointed.

A long time friend I have known has accused me of hacking him. I don’t know why,but he has the idea in his head that I have hacked him for no apparent reason. I didn’t know his Login ID, Pass, or security pin, so he has no legimate reason to accuse me. This really frustrates me. Any tips that I can use?

8% accuracy

Three Weeks Ago I was bored and decided that because I had just finished all the quests you could do at lv 35 in Orbis, I decided to go hacker hunting (this is Scania). During the next hour of rapid CCing and hunting in the maps around orbis, I discovered 18 hackers and I only managed to get 12 of their names down. I only searched 16 maps on 20 channels and they were the maps of cloud park and all the gardens with 3 colors (i didnt do lucidas). Here is a list of the hackers I caught. read more

I Hate *SOME* Noobs

i was just having fun today playing on my new sin who got to lvl 32 today. i was having fun training in fire boars when this lvl 2x bowman came out of nowhere. im having fun training and this noob asks me to train him. Of course you would lvl faster if u actually trained urself than asking all diff channels for training. anyways back to the story, i said no cause i was trying to get to lvl 35 asap to ludi pq with my guild members who are alread lvl 40+ so he said ok and started to fight the fire boars. he killed them in like 5-6 hits so i told him he would have better exp fighting at boars or pqing but he wouldn’t leave. i just keep training and he yells out stop ksing… i was on the channel first, he can barely kill fire boars and he’s asking me to stop ksing? so he keeps yelling at me. i said no i was here first and ur barely getting exp anyways and i give him a lecture. i mean in ms theres always gonna be ksing cause its part of training. wut u gonna do go to a diff channel if one person is in slime tree, boar land, or hhg? so i gave him a dam lecture about ksing and why im ksing him, so the dam nub defames me and went to beg another person for training. i mean its true theres always gonna be ksing and i was just trying to help him out. and what do i get in the end? a dam nub ending up defaming me. GOD DAM NUBS. read more

The LFG Channel(in general)

Hey everyone, it’s Tophius again, but now I’m a level 38 Tauren Warrior now! Have any of you noticed since the latest patch: The Scourge, there have been some problems with the LFG Channel? I’m SO irritated because I’m trying to get a group or a run for Scarlet Monastery or Razorfen Downs and all I see are random conversations. Blizzard put up a notice in YELLOW saying how they should ONLY USE IT FOR LOOKING FOR GROUPS, but obviously no one knows how to read now… reducing your chance to get in a group. Right now I’m going into instances to mass train to get my mount, but these people just ruin my chances. Also, haven’t you noticed that no one is looking for groups now? I mean I’ve spent HOURS looking for a group but not one person was looking for a group. There are major problems ever since /4 went global. Who agrees with??? read more

My guardian angel

Yay, I have an inspiration for a poem. This is my first attempt so be nice.XD I hope my title fits the poemO_o Here goes:

My guardian angel

I used to hate English,
hate it right down to the core.
Every English lesson was a bore.
When English exams came,
No doubt, I would get a F-grade

MapleStory is my love,
I would play it everyday.
Some’d say I was addicted.
And indeed I was,
But I live in denial everyday. read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 1

And this is the first chapter of the next arc! Hope you guys like it =D

Uh, this chapter’s a bit gory, so… >.<

Sorry I didn’t get this chapter up yesterday – it was a cold night, a friend was over, so we lit a fire and I…fell asleep. >.> Yes, that is rather sad, isn’t it? I feel like a house-pet. Wheeeee. As always, feel free to critique me or speak of any fields that require improvement. I thrive on feedback! read more