
(I finally learned what “wb” means, and then they throw this at me.)


According to the wonders of Google, it stands for “as far as I know”. –As in, “AFAIK, ‘@’ in ‘leetspeak’ transliterates into ‘A’, and so does ‘4’,” or, “MM respawns about 45-60 minutes after she’s killed, AFAIK.” It’s mostly used as a disclaimer. People who are not sure about their statements’ factuality use AFAIK to tag their posts and statements. I’m not saying that all acronyms are bad. Even / use afk, wb, and certain acronyms which help express my anger.

What’s with this sudden influx of new slang-term acronyms though? IDK, but there’s too many. Wait, I G2G. BB guys. TTYL.

Have I simply missed out on AFAIK, failed to recognize it in the peak of its popularity? Have I missed many other things while I’ve wandered off on a tangent? Hopefully, I’m on the circle and not the line, for there’s no way back once you’re on the line, but a path on the circle meets the line over and over again. Prior to last Thursday, I’d never seen this acronym before; however, there once was a time when I wasn’t sure what “wb” meant.

After years of hard work, placing myself in harm’s way for the sake of learning, enlightenment broke upon me. I learnt the meaning of “welcome back” and many more terms people now. This knowledge didn’t just hop into my hands though. No, not at all. I had to play computer games to gain these gifts of knowledge. Grueling work, I know. Nowadays, I consider myself highly intelligent in the field of conversation deciphering.

I know what others mean when dey talk lyk dis.
I can und3rst4nd 7h1s 7yp3 0f wr1t1ng 4t a 9l4nc3.
1 c4n 3v3n und3r574nd 17 wh3n 7h3y 74k3 17 700 f4r.
E/3/V VVh3|| p30p1e 7|-|r0w 1n str@ng3 $ymb0l2 4/V|) /4r1@||+2.
1f j00 u|||)3rS74|||) 7|-|12, 90 S|_4|> _|00rs3|_|=, I US3|) 4 7r4||s|_470r |=0r |>4|27s 0f 7|-|12 23|V73||(3.

(When they do this though, I just don’t understand, and I sometimes think people make up the meanings of the acronyms as they go along.)

IMHO, this stuff is pretty annoying.

Author’s notes:

Whee, bitter, caustic much? I’ll add some hydronium ions to neutralize. This isn’t much of a rant, more of me wondering whether I’ve fallen out of the loop. Maybe I never even knew the z-coordinates of the loop, and was wandering around in my own little never-ending xy plane. Yeah. I like the sound of that.

Note: This isn’t a blog about 1337, I don’t know why people aren’t showing off their acronym skills instead. F7.

15 thoughts on “iflwwbmttttm.”

  1. Wow, it really kills your eyes. Literally, took me a while to understand the last part but I got it.

    People who 741k l1k3 d15 r3411y //33d 70 90 93t 4// 3d|_|C471o//. WOW that took some time to write.

    But seriously, talking properly once in a while won’t kill a person.
    It also shows intelligence, slef-respect and non-stupidity =D.

  2. I actally got the last part, *slaps himself*

    last part= If you understand this go slap yourself, I used a translator for parts of this sentence.

  3. what DOES wb stand for?
    i got the last part too, exept i wont slap myself, i know plenty of people that can read/write leetspeek forward and backward

  4. Oh my god. That was painful. XD I think my eyes are going to start bleeding,
    A lot of times in Buddy Chat, I need to ask what my friends are saying since I don’t understand the acronyms. >__<;

    Nice blog. I can relate.

    Much love,
    ~ Panda

  5. I hate acronyms, saying “welcome back <name>” extracts a much nicer “thank you”. Saying “wb” gets you a “ty” >.<

  6. 1yk 1o1 0//g i t0t1y u//|)3r$t@//|) u =o
    . . .How very scary. ;.;

    WB = Welcome back, yPOS1

    bbl <3 u all,
    A very creaped out person ;.;

  7. Wow, oh my god.
    Dude that looks like an encryption signal.

    “E/3/V //h3|| p30p1e 7|-|r0w 1n str@ng3 $ymb0l2 4/V|) /4r1@||+2.
    1f j00 u|||)3rS74|||) 7|-|12, 90 2|_4|> _|00rs3|_|=, I US3|) 4 7r4||s|_470r |=0r |>4r7s 0f 7|-|12 23||73||(3.

    Well, I have to find this out, it may be a terrorist encryption to some terorist Al Qaeda base somewhere in the US.
    ‘scuse me. Oh I like your blog. I’m gonna go absorb some negative, minus ions to neutralize the tranquility of my body, COFFEE!

  8. You know, it’s actually harder to write in 13375p34k. [leetspeak]. Leetspeak suppposedly “saves time”. However, instead of saving time, it just TAKEs UP time. The majority of my friends speak normally, not like some messed up computer program. >_<

  9. *slaps himself* Wow, I understand 1337 a lot o.O

    1 |= 73|-| //33|) 70 90 (134//$3 //¥ 3¥3$ >.>”

  10. I dont understand 1f j00 u|||)3rS74|||) 7|-|12, 90 2|_4|> _|00rs3|_|=, I US3|) 4 7r4||s|_470r |=0r |>4r7s 0f 7|-|12 23||73||(3.

    The 2nd to the last one I understand lol

  11. u should just use the darhvok keyboard its sooooooo hard to read unless ur smart lol

  12. I understood all of it.

    By the way, $ymb0l2 looks more like it translates to ‘symbolr’, since the l has a 2 next to it. l2 and also 12 is usually used for ‘R’, not ‘LZ’. IF I were you I would have just said Symb0l since the other way looks odd >_>;

    1/3 8331V V511V9 1337 511V(3 1 57412731) v511V9 4 (0//|0/7312 o.o
    1 (41V 7`/|03 17 |23411`/ |=457 //1-131/ 1’// 1-14/11/9 4 900|) 7`/|011/9 |)4`/.

  13. And how come this website format doesn’t allow the baclwards slash? -_-; It screws up 1337.

  14. MMORPG said: “u should just use the darhvok keyboard its sooooooo hard to read unless ur smart lol”

    Er frg m.ab yd. Ekrpat nafrgy urp t.fxrapeoZ F.adw cu orm.rb. yfl.e a o.by.bj. cb Ekrpatw ydcbtcbi yd.f ,.p. cb yd. Odrn.o nafrgyw mabf l.rln. ,rgne dak. yprgxn. gbe.poyabecbiv Cy-o hgoy nct. n.apbcbi orm. orpy ru aekabj.e .bjpflycrb jre. ydrgidv

    (Do you mean the Dvorak layout for keyboards? Yeah, if someone typed a sentence in Dvorak, thinking they were in the Sholes layout, many people would have trouble understanding. It’s just like learning some sort of advanced encryption code though.)

    vicelin said: “I understood all of it.

    By the way, $ymb0l2 looks more like it translates to ‘symbolr’, since the l has a 2 next to it. l2 and also 12 is usually used for ‘R’, not ‘LZ’. IF I were you I would have just said Symb0l since the other way looks odd >_>;

    1/3 8331V V511V9 1337 511V(3 1 57412731) v511V9 4 (0//|0/7312 o.o
    1 (41V 7`/|03 17 |23411`/ |=457 //1-131/ 1’// 1-14/11/9 4 900|) 7`/|011/9 |)4`/.”

    I’ve been using 1337 since I started using a computer o.o
    I can type it really fast when I’m having a good typing day.

    I’ll keep that in mind, maybe saying “|_2” would clear things up. You’re right, lack of backslash makes 1337 harder to understand, since many of my Ns were messed up. You compensated by replacing “n” with “1V”, didn’t you? The use of “v” for “u” confused me for a few seconds, too. I like your Ys and your Ps. It’s interesting how this “language” varies in “dialect” from people to people.

    Now go slap yourself. =P

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