You probaly entered this article thinking about other pressing things on your mind, leveling, blogs, and bad exps. But that is not what life is about. Life is clearly about happiness, which can be explained in my other blog. But this article is not about your mind, blogs, or happiness. This thread is about jr. yeti.
As you may very well know, jr. yeti is a small creature found very close to the frosty town of el nath. Unless you are a firemage, and over lvl 50, you’d have had a difficult time taking down this creature. What makes this creature so powerful? I mean, it is the highest leveled monster with a knockback rate of 1. With the same knockback as a snail is it is difficut to imagine the jr. yeti to be a a threatning creature. And combined with the small profile it is very difficult to imagine that the jr. yeti will EVER be a threatning creature. Low-leveled peeps come pouring in by the thousands to el nath to try and kill a jr. yeti, basicly, so they can brag about killing el-nath stuff. But, at a VERY dense 135 exp, and more hp than a wraith, it is very difficult to talk about the thousands that have died to these, apparently harmless creatures. But, I’m not even started yet.