The reason why we have so many hackers

Before the MS birthday I’ve never seen a vacker in my life. I thought they were a dream something that I would never see because they were probably hacking with monsters that I’d proly never see in my lifetime….

I was so wrong.

Now I usualy see 4 to 8 hackers daily roaming freely in MS thinking that they are “l33t” because they know how to go around the game and us who play the game how it’s supposed to be played are idiots who should succumb to their tyranny. I report and report, but the more I do so, the more they appear. Even the megaphone messages warning us against vackers are growing less and less everyday.

I grow tired of this. I decided to make justice on my own. I buy a megaphone and swear to use it on the next Vacker I see. Lucky me… I find one. I report and just to bring people’s attention I use my phone

and I discover the reason why there are so many vackers

I get lots of messages saying how I am a noob for using my megaphone to report a vacker. Some are very harsh and hurtful.

The Reason why we accept vackers is because, no one else cares if they destroy the MS experience. They are scum that do not know how to play the game by the rules, they know that if they do it they will never level. They want to do it the easy way, because they cannot handle leveling the normal way. And the worst thing is we the normal users accept it. “oh just another vacker” and just walk away. It’s normal to vac in (insert area)

We insult those who care, and revere the hackers, when it should be the other way around… why?

I added a picture of my Experience after using the megaphone and another of the hacker… I hope something will be done

15 thoughts on “The reason why we have so many hackers”

  1. Oh well. Maybe people just got so sick of seeing so many megaphones about people hacking, they start to consider such warnings spam. Too many hackers, too little done about them, and we cannot do anything directly to them, so we give up caring. Cheer up? No point letting immature people get to you.

  2. lol the 2nd pic, the guy edited out his name, but you can see it where Mosnar2 typed hacker, and the proof that mosnar2 took the pic is that you can see part of mosnar2 on the mage char, which has level 40 ish equips, p.s. i agree. try playing on broa where the hacking is more than the regular players. i went to repot from golems to henesys, and met 2 hackers on the way there. NOOB TRAINING AREAS NEAR HENESYS!?!?! thats low, even for hackers. ksing poor noobs

  3. The problem with using a megaphone to alert others about vaccers is that they have no proof that you’re telling the truth until they see the vaccer doing the deed. Call it laziness, suspicion, or whatever you want. But that’s why you got those PMs.

  4. You’re right. The lack of motivation for others to take the initiative and do something is the real downfall of this game.

  5. I know why Wizet ain’t doing so much about it. It’s because everytime u see a hacker, u use megaphone which gives Wizet more money. Well just boycott nx cash forever. If everyone does so then Wizet would do something about it.

  6. Yeah, i feel for you man. I think we’re one of the few players who are truly frustrated by hackers in the game.

    SystemSF, i think people do take the initiative to try to catch and ban hackers, but the fault lies at wizet for not doing enough about hackers.

    I’ve heard stories where people sent in video proofs of a particular hacker hacking, but the hacker still plays the game several weeks later. What is wizet doing?

  7. man i hate hackers i caugth one on fraps today i am glad im am a ranger legitly but even hackers try to report hackers jus so they can get a higher rank, its very sad how fast my rank goes down i really hate it i think what you are doing is the right thing and if anyone says a differ just get a friend and ks the living bean stocks out of them =p

  8. You guys obviously know nothing about this subject.

    Wizet HAS taken action against hackers in the past. Much more than they do now. Know why? because once someone starts to hack, it’s next to impossibe to keep them from hacking again, even with the patches and Game Guard updates. I guess you could say hacking is a uncureable virus that keeps spreading.

    What Game Guard does, is looks for and detects specific data strings inside exe files running in the background of your computer. These specific strings are data strings from past Hacking Engines, or CEs (cheat engines). When GG finds one of these data strings, it blocks Maple Story from starting up and aborts its execution. But if the data strings arn’t those special ones that GG blocks, GG lets the program through. So, lets say that there’s a hacker that likes to vac or something. When he signs on the next day, there’s GG update and he’s not able to access Maple Story with his CE running because it’s data strings are now detected. All he would have to do to fix this is go into his CE’s data and change those detected data strings. This way, GG won’t catch his CE, and allow him into Maple.

    Now, I’m merely guessing here, but it looks that Wizet knew about this already, and figured that all action they took against hackers wouldn’t have any effect, so they just decided to let it continue. The Super Mic thing is probably just a bonus to them for all the hackers running about. So boycotting NX cash will do nothing to help. It’ll just put Wizet outa business.

    So, it’s understandable that many MS players just ignore hackers and continue on. They know they can’t do anything to stop the hackers.

  9. sorry about using the lords name in vain, i know someone will flame me for that, im just alittle pissed off now,

  10. rofl, i like hacks, gives an edge to the game, if i say so myself, but hey
    everyone hacks nowdays, na yes Phoenix Cross i agree with u

  11. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS. I despise vaccers. I really do. They annoy the crap out of me. When I created a thief yesterday, I caught 5 vaccers in MAPLE ISLAND alone! And when I took my cleric to Sleepywood, (to one of the curse eye maps) I caught vaccers on 4 different channels o_O. We see so many megaphone messages; I think this is only provoking them. I agree when you said we just say, “Oh, it’s just another vaccer.”

    It’s very tedious for me to run around an entire map to train, while vaccers are lazy bums and summon all the kills to one spot. I see vaccers as lazy people.

    But one thing that’s very fun about vaccers is this. When you discover them, and they cc very quickly, YOU GET THEIR LOOT :DDD plus, it’s a whole crapload of loot, because it’s like 30 monsters in one area. That’s the only part I like about vaccers XD

    Anyway, thank you for writing this. I really appreciated it.

    oooo also, I saw your megaphone when I was training I was going to whisper you “grats on catching a vaccer” but I was too busy reporting one myself! XD

    <3 Hinata19

  12. Also, I’m on Maple right now, and I just reported a vaccer in the map to the right of Henesys (a noob map as well o_O) lmao,

  13. Gah, sorry to comment again, but I keep having more thoughts about your post.

    My friend irl made his own hack of some sort, and he got from lvl 51 (we were racing to lvl 70) to lvl 73, in ONE WEEK. I was amazed that he did it, when I was unaware that he hacked his way through. But now I view him as scum. Hackers are lazy people that ruin the game for people who play is right.

    I was training at dsg one day, and a dsg went flying at me and killed me. I don’t like vaccers >_>;;

    I also read all the comments people posted about this post. They’re really harsh >_> I read a lot of other people’s comments, and I realize that MMO users are generally harsh people. Kinda weird, since I’m used to Xanga and all the posts are “Heyas! Prop me back, I love you~” Anyway, that’s off subject.

    How do people lose their rank to hackers? I don’t understand how that works O_O I don’t even pay attention to my rank, haha XD So many numbers. , SystemSF is pretty harsh in his second comment. I’d help, I mean, I report hackers everyday. But as some people said, Wizet gets money out of the megaphones, so the more hackers, the more megaphone usage. Heck, each supermegaphone is $1.30. And I see at least 50 a day. Maybe more. Wizet is earning like $65 on megaphones ALONE per DAY. I think that’s why they aren’t banning as quickky. But I don’t want to make assumptions.

    I admit I know nothing about computers and hacking. Never tried it, never will. I don’t like hacking. I’m scared to death of hacking. But when I think of the word “hack” I think of losing my character, my items, and my friends. Not of “vaccing” or “speed leveling”. I don’t even understand how to hack, so hackers must be geniuses, but just really lazy, because they don’t want to play MS correctly. I have lvl 70+ friends who’ve trained the normal way, so if they can get to lvl 70 by training normally, why can’t hackers?

    Sorry I rambled on so much.

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