Evil, Love, Friendship (part 1)

A year has passed since that awful day, the sky is still streaked by blood stains. As I got off the crane that rised like a tower above everything in kerning my friend called out. Hey Zero, “yes” i repied. “Where you going Zero?” asked Striker. “Nothing Much just going to meet up with Maru” i said. ” OH ” Striker cried with joy, “so you’ve finally set your eyes on a new girl eh?”

“AHHHH” i scream, suddening as I felt my neck and face started to burn bright red, from blushing. But the thought of what happen during that aawful day turned my blushing into anger.

“ARGGGG” i scream so all of kerning could hear, “why did the monsters have to raid kerning that day, and killed my love, Danille …..” With a final stare at my friend Strike, my body started to float as I used haste. Then jumped off the GIANT crane.

I landed with a light step on the ground and flash jumped through kerning as if time was standing still. I shall take revenge on that dredded Crimson, and his whole family. . . . i though. With a quick dash I ran into an open sewer hole. Ligators started crowding around me, and they looked angry. ” HA” i yelled, “you think you can defeat me? My anger can only be matched by my love to Danille ” With a unexpected twist, Striker followed me and use Dragon Roar, I was devistaed by the Deffing Roar. My body shook against the sound of the loud roar echoing down the sewers killing everything in sight range….

“Striker, why did you follow me?” i ask.

“Come on Zero” striker replied, “I can’t let you have all the fun”

With a quick smile, we joiend parties and rocketed down the sewers. After we reached the dungeon it was mossy, and very thick of decaying trees. The smell was even worser then the sewers. But we ventured on, until we couldn’t bare it any longer. A neer by Priest opened a Mystic Door to safety. Striker and I ventured in. But with a sudden event i bummed into Maru, we stood there staring at each other. She must have gotten word from Striker that i was goign on a Suicide mission to take out the Barlog Family. . . .

We stared at each other in silence not sure what the next move was going to be….

(to be coninued)

3 thoughts on “Evil, Love, Friendship (part 1)”

  1. very nice and interesting to read. well done = ) i definitely enjoyed it. ^.^

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