Expectations: Too High…?

I know some of you are perfectionist and usually feel glum when your stories don’t get as much recognition as you wish and end up either canceling your series or making a blog ranting about how you ‘hate’ everyone just because you didn’t get on the front page and what not.

Perfectionists tend to have high expectations and can’t handle negative feedback too well. I know, for I am a perfectionist myself. x_X

Eh anyway, I know there are a few blogs on this topic already, but it’s my turn… >->

For all who fits the description above or agree with me, please feel freely to continue reading my rant.

All I have to say is, as long as you put your blood, sweat, and tears (not literally of course xD) why should you care if you end up on the front page or not?

Give yourself a huge pat in the back and a nice microwaved chocolate chip cookie if you did! And if you do get on the front page (give yourself two cookies!), that’s just a bonus.

Hm. Ahh, I forgot what I was going to say… -_-

Oh yes! If you become all offended and depressed each time your story doesn’t make it, than you’re being a bit too serious. Lighten up! You should be writing for fun, that’s what MMOTales is for! :]

Just try harder next time and your hard work will pay off, I assure you. And if it doesn’t, feel free to throw rotten vegetables and rabid raccoons at me. >___>;

For all who’ve actually finish reading my rant, I give you this nice cookie basket as a reward. =D *hands you a cookie basket*

*munches on cookie* Comments anyone? O_o


4 thoughts on “Expectations: Too High…?”

  1. good advice,
    but mmo tales is being overun by stories.
    and just cause ppl dun imediatly repond to u, dun mean the world hates you,
    u should write because u like writing, (and the cookies)

  2. LaBoFaxD: Your welcome. xD

    Pirkid: Is your comment directed to me? O.o
    If it is, I just want to say, I don’t think that way; I’m just posting this for people who do. =D


  3. xD Rabid racoons. I too know how you feel, i am also a perfectionist, thats why my blogs usually take so long to write and post up, and even then i still edit them >.>

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