Definiton Of ‘Pro’

I came across a thread on this on basil the other day and decided to write my own short blog about it. I know all of you have your known definition of a ‘pro.’

Before you see what I think, let’s see what most of us think a pro is:

1. A high level person. (Level 70 and over.)
2. A person who are kind and have knowledge of the game.

If you ask me, I disagree with all of these. I think there’s no such thing as pro in the game.

Pro is short for ‘professional.’ And to be called professional, you must have skill, and in my opinion, a game such as Maple Story desires no such ‘skills’. The reason that the famous ‘Tiger’ and such are high levels in because they all have a great amount of free time on their hands compared to most of us.

Anyone can click a button and kill a snail, I’m sorry, correct me if I’m wrong. But in my eyes, there is no skill in that.

So what do I think? I think there’s no such thing as a ‘pro’ in this game. Well, that’s only my thoughts, be free to discuss yours on what a ‘pro’ is here also.

Btw: For the number two on the list above, I just want to clearly state that it’s nice to have people like that around, but I don’t see why they should be called pro. *Thinks of another name to call them*


7 thoughts on “Definiton Of ‘Pro’”

  1. hmm I agree. No such thing as a pro for any game where you just pres buttons without any having to do multiple buttons and stuff.
    Maybe someone could be a pro at kingdom hearts(woot it rox=D) cuz you have features like dodge and more movement.

  2. That’s right. But in my opinion, some level 70+, the legits, are Pros. They work hard, train a lot, and reach that goal. I consider that a skill, don’t you think?

    You’re right about number two. People who are nice, why do we call them Pros? We really should think of another name. xD

  3. tiger shares his account so he doesnt need to have spare time (o btw ur right maplestory is a pretty simple game)

  4. putnamehere said: “tiger shares his account so he doesnt need to have spare time (o btw ur right maplestory is a pretty simple game)”

    Yea, we know, Yun clearly said “they” and “hands” implaying a plural.

    However, there is a lot more to MapleStory than just pressing a button and killing a snail. You have to know how to manage your mesos or else you’ll be broke, and a lot of people are “pro” venders that know exactly how to buy and sell in the right places, at the right time, and the right way to make lots of money, FAST!
    But more about the game. It takes some skill to plan out your SP plan to level and train most efficiently.
    You need skills to be able to handle your Hp, Mp, and still kill a mob of block golems without being killed.
    You need to be skilled to understand how things work like random item generators (Honestly, some people STILL think killing slimes will give you bad items in Kerning Pq!)
    You need(ed) skills to lead pq’s back before AC’s were so common (when there were only 3 servers XD)
    You need skills to hunt efficiently and calculate which enemies will give you the most exp for your level’s attack range.

    So MapleStory DOES require some skill, unlikes games like RuneScape where to click on an enemy and watch helplessly as you get killed XD

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