Lucky Drops

I got a really lucky day today. Its the first time i ever got such that good items in 1 day.
First i was just hanging around and killing some slimes, where i found a Scroll for shoes 10% what i sold for 700k.
Than later at the blue slimes i found a Blue Flowery Tube, i sold it for 100k.
After that i was going to do the green mush quest and i found a Panlid, also sold for 100k.
So today i made a provite from like 900k with just some stupid training.
Also i lvled from lvl 21 to 23 but im still trying to get to lvl 25.

5 thoughts on “Lucky Drops”

  1. Gratz.
    But if you had such a wonderful by those monsters, just by training on them, that wouldn’t make them stupid? 😮

  2. hah, CONGRATS with all those drops! the most recent item I’ve found while training was just metal axes at the slimes on my new archer~ Dx
    heeh, you had such a lucky day, you make me jealous! XD

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