Your story version…

Heres my story

I started maple story around Feb 06′ after seeing a maple story ad on the back of EGM(Electronic Gaming Monthly). My first character ever was named Ekong(my real life name). I completely failed on this character. I stupidly evened out all my stats when i wanted to create a thief,particularly a bandit. After tossing that character I made Ch13fH3rmit intended to be a sindit. Little did i know that I HATE sindits. I had to choose a path or else i was probably going to end up quiting maple. I was probably on my 5th month of maple and i seemed to be going absolutely no where. I had yet to pass lvl 34 and my current character had the all to infamous Amoria “pumpkin head” after I stupidly did that quest looking for a free cut. I later finally struck a little gold in my str bandit ChiefDominic. He was so fun fro a while. i loved the look and versatility a bandit had and I was finally having some fun in maple story. I eventually got lonely and needed a female companion and began “maple-dating” this girl named sZsBanditsZs in a ludibrum party quest. After only a day i basically trusted her 100% because like I said, I was a complete utter idiot or noob if you want to call it. I let her “borrow” my 6 att working glove which then was worth about 12~15mill so she could level. She ended up stealing my wg and money leaving me completely poor. At this point I was basically done with maple story. I was tired of constantly failing and wanted to actually succeed for once. I took a gamble and made a sin named ni99aPl0x(stolen name). He was fun for a while but eventually sins for me got repetitive and boring. I decided to sell all my sin stuff and make another LUK bandit. The result then was XplicitDit. From then i knew I would be playing maple story for a long time. My previous characters had never passed level 48. XplicitDit is currently level 65 and counting.

What’s yours?