Staff of Justice part 5

Yes people, im back.

To view previous parts check out my id

…There was someone in the pit…

Xorglord thought for a minute, if it was an enemy, then they could haave set up a trap for him, being the “chosen one” and all, but what if it was someone who truly needed his help…

Xorglord decided to help them out, but before he could make his move, the fairy staff began to glow, and the guy in the pit came out of his dank hole with a whoooooshkasploomph, and landed on the ground infront of xorglord.

“nice to meet you” it said, (and i wrote i, because at that very moment xorglord realised it was a boar, with jr necki’s on it’s head, in place of hair. It continued on, “I’m medusboar, and i have come to take you.” And with that, xorglord suddenly felt drowsy, and he -in spite of all the adrenalin pumping through his veins- fell asleep.


2 thoughts on “Staff of Justice part 5”

  1. I liked this because another lost member of MMOtales came back.

    I suggest you read expert FanFics such as “Lost in the Shadows”, or “Tales of a Lost World’‘ from BlackNazgul or AznRiceFan. They are expert authors and you could learn a lot from them.


  2. Thanks for the referal, iSPADE. And for my two cents, I think this needs to be longer .

    -=The Nazgul=-

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