Combat Arms

Combat Arms.
A game with blood, guns and bullets.
The graphics are mean.
The players are mean.
The guns are mean!
What should you be doing?
Getting better guns and add ons (Silencers, scopes) to enhance your gameplay!
For me, snipers are the best. Many people prefer the AK-47.
What do you get out of this game?

I was playing Combat Arms for about a whole day (O_O)
I used the weapon many people call the Awp (Slang).
Using this weapon is usually frowned upon, but I use it anyway.
Anyway, war has no rules.
I died… A lot. But my experience from WolfTeam and Battlefield have gifted me with many kills.
That day of fighting was worth it, even though I wasted many many hours.

8 thoughts on “Combat Arms”

  1. Combat Arms is actually decent, coming from Nexon. Only problem is that I can’t play it because I always get “Connection to the server has been lost.” BS…

    -=The Nazgul=-

  2. Haha, I have the same problem with Naz, add me sometime maybe? Or just chat me on AIM first (Aim: guorafs, CA: Guppy)

    I don’t have that great a k/d though T.T

  3. Hahahahahahahahahhaha
    Headshottin noobs is fun but getting around the snowmap is annoying cause of all the snipers

  4. BlackNazgul said: “Combat Arms is actually decent, coming from Nexon. Only problem is that I can’t play it because I always get “Connection to the server has been lost.” BS…

    -=The Nazgul=-“

    Same here, get that all the time.

    Yey, it’s not just me. ^^

    CA: Falerix. Add me, we’ll headshot sometime.

  5. I know someone who plays that and its soo LOUD. But it seems fun. I guess lol.

  6. OtherDragoon said: “Hahahahahahahahahhaha
    Headshottin noobs is fun but getting around the snowmap is annoying cause of all the snipers”

    So true! Walk about one meter and you’re dead D:

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