Well, I’m not paralyzed, but…

(<—- if that isn’t showing up click here.) (Ganzy also wants me to warn you about the picture. Not quite sure what, though )

I seem to be STRUCK by you

[/end sickeningly overplayed song that I want to stab repeatedly with an olive fork.]

Anyway, that song sucks. Finger 11 sucks. They didn’t used to suck though. So why, now, do they suck? What made them resort to suckage? Why didn’t they just kill themselves once they had realized that they sucked, so to spare us the agony of having to listen to that fcking song over 9000 times a day on every single station? And why do these stations even play it? What the hell is so special about this song that it deserves to be played on a one-hour repeat? How many people are also sick and tired of this pointless, overbearing, worthless garbage that they even dare call a song? Why, also, does it sound like a pedophile wrote the lyrics? Am I the only one who thinks that a pedophile wrote the lyrics?

Now answer every single one of those questions.

No wait, I’m just kidding. Don’t do that. It would be a waste of time.

Since I already know all of the answers.

All of the answers are: because Finger 11 now, unfortunately, sucks.

Anyway, moving on.

I said that my last blog was going to REALLY be my last blog before I went on vacation this Sunday. Well I lied. I guess this one will be the REAL last blog.

I was planning on making it because of that spammer, to help push him off the front page, but now that he’s gone again, this blog is kind of pointless.

Yep. Pointless.


If anyone is wondering why this is the strangest fcking blog I’ve ever written, that would be because my dad gave me some of his Wellbutrin. We’re testing it out on me for side effects. Because my boss is a fcking moron and decided that I would be working 3:30~11pm on Saturday, even though I told him that I’d be leaving at 4am on Sunday for vacation.

Yea. So that night I’m gonna take this Wellbutrin stuff, just that night, since I have trouble getting to sleep.

Weeeoooeoeoooeooe~ meds are fun! I feel kinda wierd. Like that feeling you get when you’re going up in a plane and it feels all wooooOOOoooOOOoo? Anyone know what I’m talking about? Yea, Neither do I!

So to make this MMO-related, I have a story.

Yesterday I got on MMOTMS. Two minutes later, David says he’s shutting down the server and to gtfo. So, I gtfo. The end.

That’s such an epic story. You know it is. Yes. You do.

So anyway, these are the pictures I drew today. Testing out my copic markers still, since I’m not used to them yet. The center drawing, and the two tiny drawings, are what I did before I took these meds. The ones on the bottom and upper left are me on meds. Yea, I know, holy sht.

And ZOMG a nekkid blue bald lady. DON’T BAN ME CAPPY, IT’S A BODY SUIT, I SWEARS!

And the others some of you should be able to recognize. The one in the center is my character Lefluetta. She’s cool. I hate drawing her hair though. But her outfit is hawt.

Err. My arms are starting to feel limp. I think this is normal?

Well, I should probably go to bed now. Since I’m starting to feel kind of floaty and stuff.

NIGHT MMOTales <3 I wub you.

(Also, Naz is still a seks god. Worship him or I’ll feed all of you some Wellbutrin. Kthx.)

74 thoughts on “Well, I’m not paralyzed, but…”

  1. Lol. Oh well. I think everyone in MMOT is 13+ though.

    Wow, now I see the picture. Damn, wish I had drawing skills, then I can draw my own pr0n. LOL.

    J/k. I don’t even get that stuff. ._.’

  2. Lulz what are you guys taking about? It’s definitely a body suit! GAWSH!

    And that’s excellent, Lazydame. You will be spared on judgement day <3

  3. Darkwar4ever said: “Psh, are you sure it’s medication? I think it’s drugs. ._.”

    Aren’t medications drugs? o_o

  4. No, I mean, drugs, drugs, as in, drugs, such as, ecstasy.

    Stop talking about drugs. =[

  5. LOL look at all of these side effects for Wellbutrin:

    Agitation — up to 31.9 percent of people
    Weight loss — up to 28 percent of people
    Dry mouth — up to 27.6 percent of people
    Constipation — up to 26 percent of people
    Headaches — up to 25.7 percent of people
    Nausea or vomiting — up to 22.9 percent of people
    Dizziness — up to 22.3 percent of people
    Increased sweating — up to 22.3 percent of people
    Shakiness (tremors) — up to 21.1 percent of people
    Appetite loss — up to 18.3 percent of people
    Blurred vision — up to 14.6 percent of people
    A rapid heart rate (tachycardia) — up to 10.8 percent of people
    Confusion — up to 8.4 percent of people
    Hostility — up to 5.6 percent of people
    Irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) — up to 5.3 percent of people
    Hearing changes — up to 5.3 percent of people.
    Menstrual problems
    High blood pressure
    Feelings of a rapidly or forcefully beating heart
    Increased appetite
    A decreased s-x drive
    Taste changes
    Low blood pressure
    Suicidal thoughts or behavior
    Anxiety, agitation, or panic attacks
    Hostility or aggressiveness
    Engaging in unusual or dangerous activities
    Restlessness or inability to sit still
    Extreme elation or feelings of happiness that may switch back and forth with a depressed or sad mood
    Other unusual changes in behavior
    A fast heart rate
    Chest palpitations
    Feelings of internal jitteriness or restlessness
    Signs of an allergic reaction, including an unexplained rash, hives, itching, unexplained swelling, wheezing, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.


  6. At least you can fake all those symptoms there in school, and say that you’re on that medicine.


    Gimme that. -snatch-


  7. But I’m not in school right now

    And I’m in college, so I don’t need excuses to leave. I can just do it o_o

  8. Dang.

    That’s worse than the ingredients list on the 0% juice “lemonade” drink I’m drinking right now.


  9. So Darkwar can FIRE HIS LAZORS. Err. . . FIRE HIS RAYZ. With his raygun.

    And Nassanei brings photon blades to a plasma cannon fight. Lawlz.

    On topic, though, you need to change your radio station. Any station that plays any song as repetitively as you’ve described does not deserve listeners.
    It’s why I listen to my local ‘we play everything’ station. Not my favorite kind of music, but I’ve only ever heard one song repeated on there.

    Doug FM- Turn it on, and it’ll return the favor. (Actually in one of their ads, >_&gt

  10. But why is it only for wiminz!?

    And I wish I could change the station. But it’s the station they play at work. I can’t change it.

  11. “Salut Yugi! Ca fait plaisir de te voir!” *Turns the page.*
    I listen to HitsFM at work (94.7)

    French Manga books FTW!


  12. LOL I didn’t even notice it was Spade

    After these next two days, I’m never taking this crap again. It’s screwing with my head.

    And what? 0% juice? WHY ARE THEY EVEN CALLING IT JUICE?

    Alright. Seriously going to bed now. Gotta sleep this stuff off. Or I might start hallucinating o_o

  13. Silver~ Yay thanks !

    Darkie~ BUT. BUT. But. But. But. Rrrrg.

    OK going to bed now, for serious.

  14. Ganzicus said: “But if it doesn’t have any juice, isn’t it not juice? D:”

    Technically, it is still considered juice even if it isn’t juice. Juice is the watery substance from a source, this doesn’t have to be fruit.

    For example, Jesus juice is what Michael Jackson calls the stuff we call spermatozoon.

    Get it? Bad example, but you get the picture.

  15. Purple hair girl in the corner looks like Rika-chan from Higurashi.

    Cutie on the outside . . .pure. . .scary on the inside.

  16. Darkwar4ever said: “

    Ganzicus said: “But if it doesn’t have any juice, isn’t it not juice? D:”

    Technically, it is still considered juice even if it isn’t juice. Juice is the watery substance from a source, this doesn’t have to be fruit.

    For example, Jesus juice is what Michael Jackson calls the stuff we call spermatozoon.

    Get it? Bad example, but you get the picture.”

    I’m going to have nightmares about Michael Jackson now. Oh lawd.

  17. Vicelynn said: “

    Darkwar4ever said: “

    Ganzicus said: “But if it doesn’t have any juice, isn’t it not juice? D:”

    Technically, it is still considered juice even if it isn’t juice. Juice is the watery substance from a source, this doesn’t have to be fruit.

    For example, Jesus juice is what Michael Jackson calls the stuff we call spermatozoon.

    Get it? Bad example, but you get the picture.”

    I’m going to have nightmares about Michael Jackson now. Oh lawd.”

    Michael Jackson said: “Come on! It’s just a little Jesus Juice~”
  18. I think Finger Eleven sucks ’cause of that sad new song they put out. It’s so ill fitting with the rest of their music.

    There’s like a disco phase in rock music. Disco = Good, Pop Rock = Good, Disco-Rock = Dear God Why

  19. You can’t say the song was BAD, you can only say how the chocolate did it get so popular. Xp

  20. Wait a minute. I should be fine!

    MJ only goes for little boys. And I’m a lady! Wewt.

    I can sleep in peace.

    -Sleeps now.-


    Apple~ EXACTLY!

    Darkie~ No. The song is bad. Period. I could go on a long tangent about everything wrong with it as a composition, but i’m too tired T_T;

  21. Lady?

    Oh really.

    Hehehe. . .

    Hahaha. . .


    Time for that evil ray gun. . .

  22. “Yugi! Merde ca va?!?”
    “Oui ca va. . .”
    *Moments later*
    “He He Il est pas mal ce pendentif”
    *Jono-Uchi shows up*
    “Toi la! Attends!”
    *guy turns around.*
    “Je crois tu t’es occupé de mon ami. . .? Tu vas le payer de ta vie!”

    Whoever understands this gets a e-cookie.

    “I wanna make you move. Because you’re standing still!”


  23. Woah, you put so much detail into the character @ O@.

    It’s like, scarily purty D:

    And Nass, I’ll try with my rusty French 5k1llz.

    “Yugi! Shat, you okay?”
    “Yea okay, “
    “He he he is not bad during this” (? o_o)
    -Jono-Uchi shows up”-
    “You there! wait!”
    -guy turns around-
    “I think you’ve dealt with my friend, ? YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE D:<” -dramatic music stab stab-

    Gimmeh cookehs

    (Omg I wanna play MMOTMS D


  24. Dest1 said: “-changes to another station-


    A station that played that might drive me insane too

  25. It’s definitely a body suit, you can’t see her whatnots .

    <3 my fiance. I am yours and only yours.

    -=The Nazgul=-

  26. Reves said: “Woah, you put so much detail into the character @ O@.

    It’s like, scarily purty D:

    And Nass, I’ll try with my rusty French 5k1llz.

    “Yugi! Shat, you okay?”
    “Yea okay, “
    “He he he is not bad during this” (? o_o)
    -Jono-Uchi shows up”-
    “You there! wait!”
    -guy turns around-
    “I think you’ve dealt with my friend, ? YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE D:<” -dramatic music stab stab-

    Gimmeh cookehs

    (Omg I wanna play MMOTMS D


    Close enough *hands out e-cookie*

  27. Vicelynn said: “

    Dest1 said: “-changes to another station-


    A station that played that might drive me insane too


    I mean.

    -Phantom voice- Curse you! Damn you!


    Oh my God. I can hear it.

    I can HEAR IT.

    I think I’mma jump.

  28. BlackNazgul said: “It’s definitely a body suit, you can’t see her whatnots .

    <3 my fiance. I am yours and only yours.

    -=The Nazgul=-“

    Perry the Platypus.

  29. Darkwar4ever said: “

    BlackNazgul said: “It’s definitely a body suit, you can’t see her whatnots .

    <3 my fiance. I am yours and only yours.

    -=The Nazgul=-“

    Perry the Platypus.”

    Nazzy <3

    And who is Perry the Platypus?

  30. Tch </3 for Finger 11 Boo to your new song
    </3 </3 </3

  31. Damn, woman! Those drawings are GOOD! JBCJBDKJCHBJDSHBCS I’d give anything to be able to draw FireSky like that. D;


  32. Darkwar4ever said: “Candace’s brother. ._.”


    Candace is. .Linda’s daughter.

  33. gujju said: “

    Darkwar4ever said: “Candace’s brother. ._.”


    Candace is. .Linda’s daughter.”

    what, that’s not what the mom is called, and it’s not Step-Brother.

    Wait, you watch Disney channel?

  34. It is SOO step brother. AND i don’t watch Disney channel. I watch FAMILY channel. Canada’s version

  35. Well, I love it how he speaks like for 3 seconds at the very end or REALLY close to the end of a episode.

  36. Darkwar4ever said: “Will it cost to text joo?”

    If you have a texting plan or have verizon, no o.o


  37. eww nazzy is icky! D=<

    lololololol /hypocrite

    HEY sweet drawings vicey =D leik illt ry not to text you randomly yeah


  38. Nazzy is not icky! (lol I know you’re joking but yea.)

    Thanks. And feel free to text me randomly. I do it all the time D:

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