Regarding Signatures

No, this is not the blog where I say I give up doing etc. Instead, I have found a new way of doing it. I call it- a new way of doing it.

Anyway, pls chose between 1 and 2 (being the pictures) for the kind of siggys you want for those people who have requested and I’ve been procrastinating. Tq.

(Helping it front page would help bring more attention but I don’t want more requests so it’s up to you)

I’m not regretful that I decided to do siggys, I enjoy boosting my skills, so no, you all are not burdens of any form.

The only thing I want in exchange for the siggys is some cookies, I wanna get till I get diabetes pl0x =X

EDIT: How about the mix? (Sorry for the text being unreadable, this was just some quick sample work)

15 thoughts on “Regarding Signatures”

  1. Cause ppl at asf agreed that my background gradient was too simple but I can do a mix, use concept 2 on bg1

  2. This may be a bit off topic, but how do u make the words cursive?
    and how do you highlight the words in a green banner of sorts?

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