Pirates and the Clock Boss

This is a video I recently made and posted. I kinda like the way I did the intro and outro, but the content is alright. Check it out. :]

On a side note, I planned this event for Saturday, December 12, 2006. My mates and friends wanted to go after the 2x EXP Event. I agreed and we went ahead to Papulatus. Unfortunately, most of my friends were told on short notice, so some weren’t able to make it. :[

“In a game called Maple Story, there lies a city made of blocks and toys, but evil lurks from a crack in the dimension. Deep within Ludibrium, the Pirates and their allies attempt to take on the Clock Boss, Papulatus, and recast the evil from where it came upon. Though without much prevail, the capt’n records the battle for future reference.

Watch and enjoy. Rate 5 if you may as well. This is the 3rd time I’ve used my new editor while still using some of WMM.”

6 thoughts on “Pirates and the Clock Boss”

  1. I saw someone get hit 1337.
    Kinda funny, the way that you used assaulter and then you died simultaniously (not in the bad way).

  2. That song’s fromn that .Hack spoof on Quarintine. I spelled that wrong, didn’t I?

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