Nexon is alcoholic?

Have you guys have ever seen the maplestory adverts.
I bet you have.
Its a piece of pajama.
It really made me feel that Nexon drinks something.
Only a person who does or drinks “Something.” will ever make such stupid adverts.
Ah what am i hiding.

That is the worst advert i’ve ever seen.
Not for a game.
But the worst advert EVER.

A man with snails on his “things?”
2 retards slapping each other with a fish?
A man wearing underwear holding a pig?
Was that an advert for a 2-d game. or was it for “Dont do crack”.
I dunno.
I bet tommorow’s newspaper will be bearing these headlines. “MEGA GAME DEVELOPER COMPANY DISCOVERED TO BE ON CRACK. OR COCAINE. WE’RE NOT SURE WHICH ONE.”
Thats the papers. This is how the evening news will be. “Breaking news: Hilary duff has been killed due to her having no talent and being ugly. In other news We have found out that NEXON, a game company, is on strong drugs.
Thats all we have for today. Now im gonna go home and stuff my face in clam chowder. Goodnight everyone.

Yes,thats exactly how it will be.
I’m seriously disgusted.
But it has 72 million players worldwide.
Does that make us all drug users?
P.S. Does it?

12 thoughts on “Nexon is alcoholic?”

  1. lol this cracked me up. i havent seen the commercials yet, but now that nexon’s making pi$$loads of cash, they seem to become more and more desperate.
    as for game = crack, it all depends from person to person, however i have heard of rehab clinics in Europe for WorldofWarcraft addicts 0.0

  2. lazydame said: “Yup!
    You stole my word Fenrir! Or should I say Mr. Meaniepants!

    Lol, well in a way that’s a good metaphor.
    The players are the addicts and Nexon is their suppliers!
    So in a sense it’s the other way around.
    But now nexon is also starting to sell some weirder and more expensive drugs!

    ~LaZzz. . .”

    Demand and supply. More people play MS, the more crap Nexon needs to churn out.

  3. In their ad about the game cards, there’s a bunny saying, “Take your stinkin’ hands off of me, you turd.”

    I don’t really get it, With MapleStory Mob, they’re trying to get people to do their work for them. Haha.

    Oh BTW, the Korean ads have little to do with the actual game, o.O

  4. We-ell.

    Maybe it’s that reverse psychology method they’re aiming for.
    ‘Omg, how retarded is this game? I must play to find out.’


    But I will so laugh the day Maplestory puts up TV ads in Singapore. I mean, they’ve started on the magazine and newspaper ads, so yeah.

  5. Yup!
    You stole my word Fenrir! Or should I say Mr. Meaniepants!

    Lol, well in a way that’s a good metaphor.
    The players are the addicts and Nexon is their suppliers!
    So in a sense it’s the other way around.
    But now nexon is also starting to sell some weirder and more expensive drugs!

    ~LaZzz. . .

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