Dark and Light Chapter 6

This isn’t a “heavy” chapter or one laden with storyline, so I’m posting it again at 4:00 am over here. Dont’ worry if it’s bad, I just wanted it to be a “cute” bit of relief.

Dark and Light – Chapter 6
By Ultima66

I let go of her.

“Crystal, we were so worried about you. What happened?” I said, not really caring about what answer she’d return.

“Jace, I was in a dream or something. I’m not too sure. It was all so real; all so scary,” she said.

“You passed out in the heat. Isn’t that scary enough?” I said, trying to change the subject to my worry.

“Jace, it was something beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before,” she said. She explained it all to me in detail. She told me about the strange world she was in, the forest and the clearing where nothing was what it seemed to be: the looping forest that kept taking you to the other side of the clearing if you tried to walk in, the strange river that had the glowing skull, the image of me staring into blank space, the cerebes appearing and the whole forest turning into the lava caves, the resetting of the world when she teleported, and finally, how I supposedly attacked her and she had to kill me. “Jace,” she said, “It was all so real. It wasn’t like a dream: it didn’t feel like a dream. It was like I was really there.”

“I understand, Crystal, and something like that happened to me,” I said, “I dreamed that I was two people: one that loved you and one that killed you. Like you said, it was just like I was really there. There has to be some connection, don’t you think?”

“I don’t just think there’s a connection, Jace, I know. But now, we’re here together, and I know deep down we really did learn to love each other. I think we really should stay together,” she said, getting up.

“I knew all along,” said Alex, grinning, “You two would make a great couple, you know.”

“I don’t feel quite right, Alex. It’s so bittersweet. We both care about each other, right? But something’s up, something bigger than all of us, and I know it’s going to matter. There’s no way that we both had clear dreams of killing each other by coincidence, right? I’m just wondering,” I said to him.

“Me too,” added Crystal.

“Look, you two. Don’t you guys understand this much? No matter what you’ve seen, you have to learn to live how you want to, not by your visions. If you do that, you’ll just worry yourself to death,” Alex said. I sighed and thought for a moment. Then I felt Crystal’s hand on my shoulder, and turned to gaze into her beautiful eyes.

“Alex, you’re right,” I said, starting to smile a little, “Now, I think Crystal and I should have some time to ourselves, so if you’ll excuse us…”

“I understand,” he said. We all smiled, and Alex walked to the door, me behind him. As he stepped out, I took the door and slowly closed it. I heard him say “Have fun, see you in the morning” softly when I shut the door. The lock clicked.

The next morning I got up several hours before the sun rose and walked out of the room. I saw Alex standing out in the main room, which was completely empty except for him.

“Nice way of being out and about when the people who own this store aren’t even up yet, right?” he said to me.

“I wanted some private time,” I told him, “I needed to think.”

“Ah, you think too hard. I told you, don’t worry about your dreams. We’ll know what’s up with all that eventually. So, do I need to ask? How was last night?” he said to me. I eyed him with a sarcastic look.

“I think you need to not worry about my business,” I told him a little jokingly, “You’re just my friend, not my life partner.”

“Aw come on, man. We’re guys, we can say things to each other. You know you can trust me. You’re not gonna turn on me, are you?” he said.

“Fine, then,” I said smiling, “I can trust you.”

“So how was last night?” he repeated.

“She’s beautiful,” I said, not willing to say much more, “Just beautiful.”

“Eh, just wanted to see what a guy like you would say. So what gives you the idea of being up so early?” he asked.

“What about you? You’re just here to ask me how was last night and tell me not to worry?” I replied.

“No, I really did want to talk. I mean, Jace, can you really be with her? You’re always going everywhere, and it’s just not safe for her. And I know you’d never settle down,” he said.

“Alex, I’ll find a way. We’re together, isn’t that enough for now? She’s fine, I’m fine, and we want to be with each other,” I told him.

“Jace, you’ve changed. You weren’t like this. Before you’d be not caring at all about how she felt. What’s up with that?” Alex said.

“How should I know? Not that it matters. I just like Crystal, is that so bad?” I said.

“Maybe you just like her in bed…” he said. I quickly slapped him – lightly, but enough for him to get the point.

“I’m telling you, don’t talk about that…” I said. Just then I heard a noise at the bedroom door. Crystal sleepily came into the room.

“What’s going on?” she said, eyes droopy.

“Uh, Jace and I are just talking about… stuff…” Alex said, narrowly avoiding what would have caused a real slap on the face.

“I’m tired now, and we still have a few hours to sleep. Let’s go, Crystal,” I said as I walked over to her and put my arm around her back. Then I took her hand and we walked hand in hand back into the bedroom.

I stared back at Alex, gave him a wink, then closed the door to the room.

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