All posts by Ultima66

Less Than Fantasy Ch 9

Finally, and update. I don’t know if any of the old readers are still interested even, but here goes.

Less Than Fantasy, More Than Reality – Chapter 9

Mark looked out the window. The world around seemed to glow with a sparkle of hope, but ironically, at the same time, he knew there was tension in the air. All of their problems were still there, still stalking in the shadows for a chance to strike back at them, and running away was just a quick fix that wouldn’t last forever. They still needed a place to stay, and they could still be caught, though it would be a lot harder now. They were still isolated from the world – emotionally as well as physically. read more

Less Than Fantasy Ch 8

Less Than Fantasy, More Than Reality – Chapter 8

“That’s it,” Mark said, Janet taking it all in, “I loved and I lost.”

“Why don’t you just tell it off? You could lie and say you had nothing to do with her,” Janet replied.

“Of course I could, but I might be in trouble for lying in the first place, and besides, I don’t want to. I care too much about Amy,” he said. read more

Less Than Fantasy Chapter 6

Less Than Fantasy, More Than Reality – Chapter 6

<Author’s comments: Uh, well, I’m putting this up here after I’m actually done. I love this chapter personally, so yeah… Oh, and props to anyone who catches the song reference in this chapter (it’s near the end), not that many will because of my taste in music.> read more

Oh, what can I say?

Hey everyone. I know I’ve been gone from MMOTales for a long time now, and I may or may not be “back” completely, but it’s just that something’s come up that has caused me to need to spill my heart out to other people right now.

It’s been months since my ex left me, and we’ve stayed friends, but it’s always been in the back of my mind that I still loved her. I still would have given anything to be with her, and this weekend, it was all lost to me. It was a lot for me to say that it was a good relationship, since it did only last a month and a half, or that it was ever important to her, because I asked her, and she could never tell me that she did love me, but I know in my own mind that I truly loved her with every bit of my heart. I was looking at her MySpace, using my sister’s account because I don’t have a MySpace and now I doubt she would even add me as a buddy if I did, when I noticed one of the people in her MS guild, which I’ve known has been a really close friend of her ever since they met a little after we broke up, say “I love you” in a comment. read more

Dark and Light Chapter 10

Dark and Light – Chapter 10
By Ultima66

As I see 4 seasons pass me by
Reflecting the changes through my eyes
Snow falls but then to dissipate
Spring will come and set me free again

I let the voice die away as I turned off the music, the soulful voice reflecting deep into my heart. I knew the seasons were passing me by, and I knew I had to do something. read more

I lot’s been going on lately

Everyone who read my fanfiction, I’m sorry for the delay on the next chapter.

In fact, I can’t promise a next chapter, nor can I promise anything soon. My life has been going really crazy, and I feel like I have to let things cool down first. If I feel like it afterwards, I’ll continue the story.

This is, unfortunately, the shortest blog I’ve written so far, but everything that’s going on is extremely personal and I don’t want anyone to worry about me right now. I’ll write when I feel like it again. read more

In response to Tiger getting hacked

I hear that Tiger lost his account and suddenly there’s a big crowd of people saying he deserved it. I don’t know what all of you care but first of all, no one here should be allowed to say he deserved to be banned. There’s are hundreds and maybe thousnads of hackers and account sharers. I’m sure many of you have trained on a friend’s account, and I’m just as sure none of you are as high of a level as Tiger. Does the fact he broke a small rule make him any worse of a character? Is the fact that 2 people played on it the same as the char automatically not existing? read more

Dark and Light Chapter 6

This isn’t a “heavy” chapter or one laden with storyline, so I’m posting it again at 4:00 am over here. Dont’ worry if it’s bad, I just wanted it to be a “cute” bit of relief.

Dark and Light – Chapter 6
By Ultima66

I let go of her.

“Crystal, we were so worried about you. What happened?” I said, not really caring about what answer she’d return. read more